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讓你的每一次擊球想法簡單就好/Simple idea before the shot!~下集

讓你的每一次擊球想法簡單就好/Simple idea before the shot!

讓你的每一次擊球想法簡單就好/Simple idea before the shot!~上集







When your ball is located on the rough or under the trees, that's very difficult job to get it out. Therefore, you have to make it simple and get your ball out of the trouble. You are able to focus on the next shop with higher successful rate to the green. Difficult ball position is hard for you to control your body during the swing. It takes times and experiences to learn the right way for the good shot.

If your ability is not in certain level, don't target the green when your ball is not on the good position. Knowing your ability is the key to make the right strategy and pick up the right golf club. We always think too much and complex that's why we can not make the shot solid. It's based on my previous experiences and now I am good to know the realty and solution.

Sometimes, I heard golfers told me to play push shots with low trajectory on the up and down fairway, come on, being realistic is key to make your ball play without adding more shots. When you think complex, your brain will be hard to control and manage your body to work on the swing procedure. That's the reason you can't strike the ball solid to the target.

In the end, building your experience and skills takes time and experiences to learn. If you are not capable to do some difficult shots, just try to get out the trouble as the best recommendation and also learn from other good players that will help you know lots of things.

Do not think you can do the same shots and copy their strategy, it's not going to work on you as your ability and experience are not ready at the moment. Keeping it simple is the best for you! That's my experience and may work on you.




