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你覺得個人測試球桿是在室內還是室外比較好/Is it better to clubfitting in indoor or outdoor?~下集

你覺得個人測試球桿是在室內還是室外比較好/Is it better to clubfitting in indoor or outdoor?~下集

你覺得個人測試球桿是在室內還是室外比較好/Is it better to clubfitting in indoor or outdoor?~上集






That's the differentiation of ideal and practical results. The indoor result is the best condition without actual influences, but it's impossible to have such condition in outdoor play. I do not know what's the purpose of indoor testing? We are not trying to get the best performing data, we are trying to get the most reliable practical result for the golfers.

If you can tee shot your driver over 280 yards, you have to have tracking radar feature of the launch monitor for capturing the whole flighting results and rolling. If your eyes can not reach over 280 yards, the outdoor launch monitor should be the best equipment to help you get the complete picture of your ball performance.

The best way to use indoor launch monitor is swing lessons. It doesn't require to have accurate result of the shot, the golfers and swing coach can focus on the swing with simulator to know why the shot is generated and resulted? Indoor allows you to focus and work on the swing.

That's why I suggest people to do the outdoor golf clubfitting instead of indoor. Using your eyes and body to feel the weather, wind and fairway challenge. Launch monitor's data is just a assumption, the best and most accurate data are from your eyes. That's the best launch monitor you have for tracking the ball flighting. You do not need to stick on the number differentiation, and you know it spontaneously.




