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球要打好,要長期耕耘,不是把桿子做好就幸福快樂/Custom golf club won't solve your swing problem!

球要打好,要長期耕耘,不是把桿子做好就幸福快樂/Cust golf club won't solve your swing problem!






When I discuss the golf with the golfers online, and always provide my idea, suggestion and inputs without charge. For the golfers who ask me for building the personal golf clubs, I would follow up with their usage and results after playing a month. However, there are few cases the problem is still there without solving then I will work on more details in order to know the situation.

With my experience, golfers always forget one simple and fundamental for golf, you are the key to improve your golf swing. Custom golf club can only make your shot for 40% of the result, your body and swing are about 60% for the result of the shot. Therefore, with your custom golf club, you are able to build your swing easier.

The main focus is yourself, custom golf clubs can work out some of your swing problem or reduce the impact of your mis-shot. The custom golf club won't be able to remove your current swing issues, your swing problem is still there but you to work it out with the custom golf clubs. How to work the swing problem out? You need to check your swing coach or online golf forum.

I always provide my suggestion and experience for golfers to solve the swing problem. Since I am the average golfers with the similar problems and I have solved with my approach then I can shore it with others. That's the reason why I am able to know and recognize golfers' swing problems as I have been suffering and struggling with it.

You are the key to make things better and for golf, it's all depending on your idea to make the result. Custom golf clubs are not going to solve all your swing issues but it can make your shot better and impact least. If you would like to solve it completely, working on your body and golf swing is the way to your golf better.




