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推桿淺談~手臂推桿/About putter~ series 1!下集

推桿淺談~手臂推桿/About putter~ series 1!

推桿淺談~手臂推桿/About putter~ series 1!上集





因為重量在桿頭,離你的手臂有一個距離。等到你手臂感受到桿子重量,你的手臂已經擺動到一個幅度了。而現在一些握把都有設計couter balance,在握把端加重量。或是握把的重量提升到100~120g。以讓球友握在手上就可以感受到桿子的存在。




The opposite side is the arms are easy to feel tired or unable to control the details or short distance. You should have the experience that when you are in last three holes and your putting is hardly controlled the short distance and always mis the put or too much power for short distance. Your mind can not stay focus to control your arms and also your arms are tired to work on the details.

You do not feel tired but the fact is you can not control your body and putter like first 9 holes. That's why professional golfers are using the shoulder rotation to put instead of arms putting. Since the putter needs to be heavier than average retail putter and it gives your arms more loading in usage.

The best way to add your putter weight is on putter head, putter shaft and grip. Nowadays there are many putter heads come with weight screws to adjust the head weight with various weight screws. It's easier to change the head weight through such putter style.

However, the best way to add the putter weight for arm putting golfers is counter balance on putter grip. You can change weight slot on the grip end section in order to let your arms feel the weight easier and directly during the gripping.

The other way is to change the heavier shaft weight, you can feel more weight when you grip the putter. There are many ways to make your feel better and confident during your putting. That's the things you need to know for your putters. You have to do some homework in order to build your ideal putter.




