這次用的是Adidas Adipower 4orged Spikeless釘柱款的高爾夫球鞋。Adidas的高爾夫球鞋一直都是我會購買的名單之一。它的好處是,穿起來非常的舒服、耐穿和實用。我都固定買它們的Adicross的休閒款,這次就想換一款來試看看有沒有驚艷的可能性。加上它的外型也很搶眼,就沒有理由不下手了!
這次的Adipower 4orged spikeless是在2020年的年底購物季買的,冬天在紐約太冷沒辦法穿,所以等到2021年的春天就開始用。而這款鞋的基本功能,基本該有的都有。比如防水、吸震、抓地力強等。這都是高爾夫鞋的標配。當然它還有透氣和友善價格。因為購物季買的,價格根本不需要考慮就買下了。
鞋子的重量一支是306g(右),另一個是310g(左)。這樣的重量雖然稱不上是輕量化,但只是比輕量化鞋子要再重一點點。重量上是及格的。重量輕,對於穿4到6個鐘頭的腳負擔會相對小。就我個人經驗,以重量上來說,New Balance的技術會比較優。就算是運動款也可以把重量壓到300g以內。當然穿起來的感覺也沒有打折。
Adidas Adipower 4 orged Spikeless 高爾夫球鞋 review!~中集
Adidas Adipower 4 orged Spikeless 高爾夫球鞋 review!~下集
This review is about Adidas Adipower 4orged Spikeless golf shoes, I like Adidas golf shoes and continue to buy and wear it. I haven't tried Adipower model and would like to see what's the differentiations between Adicross and Adipower? 2020 Adipower spikeless is well designed with my attraction and I bought it in 2020 Christmas/Thanksgiving holidays.
It's half of listing price for this shoes and I could not find any reason to skip this one. Since it was off season in New York during the winter and started to try out in Spring 2021. I have been using about 3 months so far with 6 rounds and over 10 times of driving range, with complete review for this shoes and sharing to golfers.
This shoes come with all the golf shoes features such as water proof, stable traction for gripping, soft cushion. The sport shoes design is unlike Adicross casual style. The sport design is able to enhance stability with durable golfing which is good feature to purchase. More importantly the comfortable and long hour wearing are better than casual style shoes.
The shoes are featured light weight, one is 306g, the other is 310g. With such weights, I would say barely meet the light weight standard. With my standard, I have been wearing many spikeless light weight golf shoes, it should be lower than 300g for light weight. In terms of light weight, I believe New Balance is the best in this field and the comfortable and other golf features are also over the average.
Light weight shoes are good for long hour wearing. It will let you feet have less load and easier to work on your swing. Since it's always taking over 4 hours for 18 holes, the weight is kind of crucial. It becomes a fundamental for me to select the golf shoes. Of course, it can't sacrifice the comfortability and not all the shoes companies are able to accomplish.
Adidas Adipower 4 orged Spikeless golf shoes review!~Part II
Adidas Adipower 4 orged Spikeless golf shoes review!~Part III