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Callaway super soft 2 layer ball/2層硬皮球!~下集

Callaway super soft 2 layer ball/2層硬皮球!

Callaway super soft 2 layer ball/2層硬皮球!~上集


再來測鐵桿的表現,一樣也是取前面5球的擊球結果。和之前木桿是類似。我的擊球啟發角度是27~30度範圍,得到的倒旋量是4000rpm左右,這樣量比distance +要低。distance +的倒旋在4500~5000rpm,而這些多的自旋量就讓距離短了3~5碼。也就是滾動上,distance +可以在落地後最多滾10~15碼,而supersoft就完全煞不住了,滾20碼!

也就是說,如果一個果嶺範圍前後是20碼來說,你打上果嶺一定滾出果嶺了。所以在這部分我個人比較喜歡distance +,雖然鐵桿距離比較短5~10碼,但距離在鐵桿來說不是最重要,而在於停球能力。我的7鐵測試裡,飛行距離在140碼,而滾動可以在10~20碼。所以如果用distance plus我的總距離在150碼~155碼,但supersoft是155~160碼。

而如果你分析停球能力,distance +是相對好,滾動要少。所以我覺得supersoft也是一款不錯的球,軟球心搭配硬球皮設計,可以把倒旋量壓到最低,對我來說非常適合,我的木桿和鐵桿都有倒旋量過多的問題,而用這款球可以讓我的滾動得到最佳化。鐵桿就比較不好說,而我會實際拿下場來打看看。才知道鐵桿打果嶺的效果是否會滾過頭?

我最近有用另一款Callaway superhot,也一樣是2層surlyn球皮設計,下場打的結果就是不錯,讓我有點吃驚。supersoft應該是superhot的最新版。上次打Planatation 27洞就是用superhot,沒有掉球,一直打到底,而我也用Taylormade TP5,開完TP 5,再打superhot,到球道上看,一樣的距離。鐵桿也是一樣距離。所以我才會想測試supersoft。因為這款2層surlyn球皮產品讓我太驚艷了。


That's why if you pick the right golf balls, you can get a longer distance without problem. That's the same as a custom golf club. Then I try Taylormade P790 7i, The launch angle is 27~30 degree and back spin is 4000rmp +- 300rpm that is still lower than distance + ball. The carry distance is 140+-2 yards and rolling is over 20 yards. 

This number is matched with my idea that the golf ball cover of super soft is hard and it creates less spin rate than distance +. The distance + with the same 7i is 5 yards shorter and rolling is about 15 yards. I would say the distance + is good for iron to control the distance and drop on the green ability/ If the green is hard, you would not consider playing super soft to roll over the green.

However, the compression of super soft is softer than distance + that makes your contact soft and comfortable for sure. Most golfers are unable to know how super soft the longer distance with soft feel. With manufacturing stand-point, I can make the spin rate low without making the golf core hard. The only way is to make the cover harder for generating less spin. 

It's Super soft's secret and reason of the low spin feature. When you get lower spin, your ball can roll longer distance for all kinds of golf clubs. If you like me as the spin rate generator, this ball should be a good fit for you to get more distance. That's why I was using super hot with the same distance as Taylormade TP 5 black. Super hot is the same ball type as super soft. 

Golf balls are very complex but if you know what you need like me, you can certainly find the right ball for you and it's not really looking for a multilayer golf ball as the best result. Honestly the most 2 layer golf ball with a good golf core can deliver the best distance as multilayer balls. It's all about the golf ball marketing and keeping it simple is the best idea for the golf ball. 




