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Taylormade SIM, SIM MAX 木桿小試/TM SIM/SIM Max driver review!~下集

Taylormade SIM, SIM MAX 木桿小試/TM SIM/SIM Max driver review!

Taylormade SIM, SIM MAX 木桿小試/TM SIM/SIM Max driver review!~上集

Taylormade SIM, SIM MAX 木桿小試/TM SIM/SIM Max driver review!~中集

這也是我當初用M6時的感受和經驗。所以我才會說M6是高彈道桿頭,但配置的桿身很重要。所以我配置幾款低和中彈道的高碳布桿身,讓它可以得到更有侵略性的彈道和飛行效果。同樣的狀況也是可以適用在SIM和SIM MAX上。


另外我覺得SIM/SIM Max這類桿頭適合裝不長的配置。因為桿頭的效能很到位。不需要特別去裝長(超過45.5“)來得到最遠的距離。反而應該要配置對的長度和重量比例,讓你可以吃球精準,這樣效果自然是最佳化。






整體來說,SIM和SIM MAX的差異沒有很大。就算你要打一些球路,SIM MAX也不會不容易做球。反而在桿身上的選擇和配置才是關鍵。基本上,SIM這款桿頭的完成度和成熟度都已經很高。它是一款高容錯、低倒旋、高起發角的桿頭。非常效能但又適合一般人的動作不穩定使用。

如果你試不好,可能是桿頭設定重量或滑塊的設置不正確,要不就是桿身配置不適合。這些都是可以解決。所以最好和技師討論商量再去測試和選擇適合的桿身來配置。 配置正確和規格適合,它會讓你如魚得水、帶你上天堂!

This is exact feel and experience that I play M6. That's why I said M6 driver head is high launch. Therefore, the right shaft is critical to fit the driver head. I fit couple of mid trajectory shafts with M6 head and love it well. It makes the ball flight very aggressive and penetrated. The same situation is happened in new SIM and SIM MAX.

Since I have tried at least 5 combinations of various shafts with SIM/SIM MAX, it is able to see the different ball flight and if you picks the wrong shaft, your ball may flight high but less distance.That's highly happened in retail stock shafts.

More importantly, I personally believe SIM/SIM MAX is good for shorter length setup. Since the head is good with great technology to boost the distance and fast ball speed. The core of SIM setup is the driving the striking accuracy. If you can strike the ball on sweet spot or hot zone of the face, you can get good distance for sure without difficulty.

You do not need to make it long to get longer distance. Making the length within 45" will help you play and control better on SIM/SIM MAX. At the same time you can get the high striking on sweet spot ratio.

It's different with some of Japan driver head needed to make longer length for better distance with light weight shaft feature. Average golfers have difficulty to handle long length and should make the driver length within 45" for the best control and swing accuracy. You do not worry about the distance since SIM is able to deliver the best distance for you without problem.

As a result, SIMI/SIM MAX are good driver heads for average golfers to enjoy the best distance and impact feel. With M5/M6 drivers, this year's SIM/SIM MAX have been better and improved a lot. Even you would like to work on certain ball flight, you can be easy to work on the ball. The key is you need to get the right shaft to fit your swing and swing tempo.

SIM/SIM MAX are the high launch, low spin and very forgiving. You should consult with your clubfitter first to get the idea of right shaft and also the custom driver specification. These heads are needed to be fit with golfer's swing them you can gain the best performance driver ever.