今天一樣是要接近100度高溫,安排打Frisco的球場。之前打Lake of Frisco就真的不錯,這次打它附近的Trials of Frisco。朋友說這個球場是出名的難,當然要來體驗一下。訂1:30pm開球,開車到球場約30分左右,到球場先去推桿區小練一下。到賣店拿鑰匙就開球了。我從10洞開始打起。今天也是給它打黑梯,總長7000碼。
所以打偏就是出界或球不見。因為我覺得打黑梯大多是要3桿上。第二桿往往都是在果嶺前30碼左右,par 4的距離都在400多碼,只有3個4桿洞是低於400碼。所以都是一切2推。它們果嶺都有打洞,所以推的不順。球滾動起來都會跳,球不照路線走。推得非常吃力。速度上比起其他球場來說,偏慢,低於9。所以推桿今天也是推得很糟!
The Trials of Frisco golf course!~下集
Today is another hot buring day with over 100 degree. I book Trial of Frisco located in Frisco with driving about 30 minutes driving from my place. I go to putting green to calm down and practice the putting a little for getting start. I start from 10th hole with black tee for total 7000 yards distance. If I can play black tee, I will go for it to make my fairway woods more stable.
This golf course is tough as my friend said there are many trees and creeks on the fairway and greens. That's 100% correct, the fairway and greens are surrounding with trees. If you miss it, it will make your second shot hard to target. Moreover, the fairway is not flat with up and down hills, if you do not land on the right spot, it's hard to make it on the green.
Since I play black tee, most of par 4s are over 400 yards distance and generally to make the 3 on strategy to play safe. There are 3 par 4s distance under 400 yards. Most of the situations are make the third shot with chipping and 2 putts. The greens are under the maintenance so the condition is not good to make the good putts.
The bunkers are not as many as other golf courses, that's why the difficulty and challenge for this golf course is the trees, if your ball gets into the trees, you will need to make one more shot to get out. The bunkers are not tough to get out and the size is small. I would say it's just for fun without giving golfers big damages.
If you do not bring your accuracy to play, you will lose a lot of golf balls for this golf course. You must pay attentions to make your shot solid and make sure your swing is as smooth as possible. Otherwise, your ball is easily get into the trouble. The green is also tough to land, if you lands on the edge of the green, it's hard to stick on the green.
The Trials of Frisco golf course!~Part II