第二種就是以鐵桿的桿身重量來做選擇。當然不少球友的鐵桿桿身都用鋼管材質,桿身重量也在100g左右或以上,所以小雞腿的桿身選擇,可以減一個重量台階。 我會覺得對多數揮桿動作還不是很穩定的球友,可以選擇小雞腿桿身重量在90g以內,這對於使用和配置會比較容易些。
小雞腿桿身的另一個代替法/Hybrid shaft's selection!~下集
Hybrid is the saving par golf club for most of average golfers. It's the replacement or alternative for long irons and fairway woods. These two kinds of golf clubs are toughest to play in your golf bag, therefore, hybrid is a solution for golfers to get the long distance of the second shot to the green. Now here is the question, how you can select the right hybrid shaft for your usage with good result?
Most of golfers are unknown or no idea to pick the right hybrid shaft for their swing, the result of the play will be struggling to deliver the good shot on the golf course. My suggestions are two, you can consider to select the hybrid shaft based on fairway wood shaft weight or based on the iron shaft weight. Since each type of the golf clubs has different setup on weights, length and swing weight, you can follow the weight decreasing/increasing through the golf club types.
The key is to allow your body to play each of the golf club without problem and deliver the good shot. If the weight of the golf club is set incorrectly, your body will have the hard time to handle the golf club and unable to deliver the good result. That's why you need to setup golf club weight consistently in order to let your body to handle the swing nicely and easily.
Most of golfers have no idea to select the hybrid shaft when they try to purchase the new hybrid. Let's say if your driver's shaft weight is 50g range, your fairway wood shaft weight should be 60g for weight consistency. Then the hybrid shaft weight should be around 70g for shaft weight consistency.
Or your iron shaft weight is 100g then hybrid shaft weight can be 90g or 80g range for selection. You need to know which golf club is your standard base? If you can handle your irons better than fairway, you should select the hybrid shaft weight based on your iron shaft as the standard base. Why? Since you will play the swing style like your iron and the shaft is better to set up like your irons.
小雞腿桿身的另一個代替法/Hybrid shaft's selection!~下集