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分析現實和量力而為是高爾夫的精髓/Analyzing and observing are the keys for golf!~下集

分析現實和量力而為是高爾夫的精髓/Analyzing and observing are the keys for golf

分析現實和量力而為是高爾夫的精髓/Analyzing and observing are the keys for golf!~上集







When I play golf in first 5 years, I always believe my ability and distance can be better than my practical, but the fact is I always hit it short. Since my body and swing are not mature without strong body to support for good result. After I try to do more work out regularly and rebuild my swing, now I can perform better and deliver good distance without problem.

The key is to know true yourself, do not think you can make good result like your friends or pros, you are far behind them, think more practically with your ability. My strategy is simple and always get the longer distance golf club to target and play. Why? because we can make the mistake and allow you to make the mistake on the swing.

If you pick the golf club with the actual distance, it's always short in result. That's why I always get longer distance club to play as I know if I do not strike solidly with sweet spot, my distance is not bad in the end. That's the buffer for you to make the mistake from your swing.

Our distance is measured when we play in driving range but it's not true performance and distance. Since in driving range you can make as many time as you want for one single golf club. On the golf course, you have only one chance to strike the ball and the feeling and stress are totally different. It will make your swing terrible or inconsistent.

With my strategy, I am good in my performance and result. I am confident and also have the room to make the mistake. I am practical person with my strategy, swing and golf clubs. After such strategy and playing, I am skilling up with my golf club controlling and managing. There are more ball flights and shots I can make. That's the fun part!




