分析現實和量力而為是高爾夫的精髓/Analyzing and observing are the keys for golf!~下集
When you play in golf course, you have to observe all kinds of conditions then you can come out the best decision and right golf club to play. I do not care much about the score but if I can play good shot, it will be great for today's play. All I care is the way I play and enjoy the shot in every strike.
Observation is key in golf when you play in the golf course. Sometime you are unable to see the truth on the golf course so you need to check some information and other golfers' experiences in order to find out the right solution. With my experience, there are some seasonal issues with various winds or on certain trajectory, the ball will have bigger wind resistance.
I also check with other golfer's play then it can be the important reference and information for me to adjust my decision of next shot. That's why the observation is all on the details. For a golf good, you have a number of ways to get the right information and collecting the information.
You need to collect all the pieces in order to get the whole picture for your play. The answers are not easy to get that you always watch and feel. When other golfer is playing, it's the time for you to check and see. You might change your decision and golf club to play. It's the fun part for golf.
Sometimes, I can get the good result after adjusting the decision and golf club. Therefore, it save me many times.
Analyzing and observing are the keys for golf!~Part II