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學會控制自己的身體,比控制球桿重要/Building your body is key for golf swing!~下集

學會控制自己的身體,比控制球桿重要/Building your body is key for golf swing!

學會控制自己的身體,比控制球桿重要/Building your body is key for golf swing!~上集




經過鍛鍊的身體也更容易去產生爆發力。也就是力量的產生可以更有效。可以在更小面積或特定部位的力量去產生。這也是我認為控制身體。可以控制身體更細節的部位,比如手指的握桿,腳趾的抓地力和肩膀的轉動等。 以前做不到的控制身體特定部位的事,現在都可以做到力。節奏也可以放慢下來。



Allowing your body to load more work and power then unload the power. There are rotations from the lower and upper bodies for the golf swing and these rotations are unable to be used and operated on our daily life. Therefore, you need to get used to the body rotations in order to perform the golf swing for the best results.

Building your body rotations needs to have both the flexibility and power. Therefore you have to build your body muscles and flexibility to make the swing operate smoothly. After certain of your training period, you are able to control your body and swing tempo better and easily. That's why it's the best approach to work on your swing.

The other benefit for building your body is to generate more power through the down swing. When you muscles get strong and powerful, you can easily generate the more power and speed. That's the reason the professional golfers are doing the body work out and stretch for your training.

With my experience, after years' work out, my gripping power is bigger than before that I can control the golf clubs easily and smooth. Moreover, my foot can grip the ground solidly to get more power from the ground. With that, my body rotation can generate more power and speed with my swing plane.

It takes thousands of hours to build your body. If you give up months, your body will go back to zero then build again. As a result, it needs to be consistent to keep your body strong and flex. For me, I would say building your body is more important to get the custom golf clubs since human is the key to get things work efficiently.




