2019高爾夫規則的修改/Some rules changed on 2019!~上集
4. 準備好就可以打了,不需要最遠的那個打完才能依序打 - 其實我和一些熟的朋友打球早就這樣。不熟的朋友才會特別看先後次序來打。因為有些球友比較在意這些細節。你和他一起打或比他先打,他就會不爽。而現在新規則就可以正大光明的我準備好就打過去了。
If you play the golf courses are difficult on the fairway design with many hazards, with such time frame and limitation, you have to prepare the balls to face such situations. However, when you play with your good friends, they will let you find the balls for sure without the time limitation.
Even though you play fast, but it needs to other golfers to follow the rules. We always see golfers are waiting for the play due to previous group is searching the balls. It's good rule to make the play go fast but in reality, it's hard to let all golfers follow.
4. When you are ready, you can play without following the order of longest distance from the flagstick. Again, this is the best way to move the speed fast. Without this rule, the overall play speed can increase as waiting people to play is the most stupid thing in golf.
Sometimes, other golfer is in trouble to find the ball or try to hit the balls from the hazard, it all takes time to get out. Now without this rule, we can play fast for others are on safe fairway to continue the play.
We all know these rules are about playing speed issue, since USGA is trying to tell public that we are no longer to take the whole day for this sport. I think it certainly helps for some people but to change the image of golf is still long way to go. Let's expect upcoming 2020's new golf season and play for fun!