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2022 Taylormade Stealth 9 loft & Callaway Rogue ST 9 loft!

2022 Taylormade Stealth 9 loft & Callaway Rogue ST 9 loft

最近購入了2022年的新款木桿TM Stealth木桿和Rogue ST木桿。當然我覺得Stealth的話題性最爆,因為幾乎整個桿頭都是碳纖維材質。桿面碳纖維它是首發,這也是今年最火的話題。所以我想要測試和玩玩。當然我也有一些朋友已經購入Stealth木桿,但災情是哀嚎遍野。因為和Rogue,Epic、TSi等木桿比較,Stealth的擊球倒旋量都偏高。

這個問題導致最後的距離效果比其他木桿要短個5~10碼!我目前聽到的反饋是短,只是短多少問題。當然我也想來試看看,要如何去調整Stealth桿子設定,可以減低倒旋問題。所以我這次購入的桿頭角度都是9度。我可能會先用我手邊的桿身來試看看,比較我的M6木桿的數據。同時也可以和Rogue ST數據比較。

Rogue ST木桿走比較易打、高容錯。桿頭結構看起來就是很安心!Callaway的木桿我也比較熟悉。最近3年來產品,從Mavrik、Epic都有,今年的Rogue ST雖然覺得很一般但還是購入來玩看看。一些桿身都可以裝到Rogue ST來打看看。這就是有同品牌的桿頭好處,桿身都可以換來換去。


I purchase new 2022 Taylormade Stealth and Callaway Rogue ST drivers. The hottest driver of 2022 should be Taylormade Stealth with almost carbon fiber material for the head including the face that drives my interest to find out the truth.

Of course, I have heard friends who already got Stealth driver but the feedback is shorter distance. I also check some online review and youtubers' reviews, the Stealth driver generates more back spin that makes the distance about 5~10 yards shorter than other peers such as Epic, TSi.

The mission for me is to reduce the spin rate for Stealth and setup with the right shaft for lower back spin. Of course, I have some shafts with Taylormade sleeve tip to try out. I will check the data first then decide what shaft and specification for this new driver.

The new Callaway Rogue ST driver looks very reliable and easy to hit. There is no spark for this driver to address, but I have collected Callaway drivers since Mavrik and Epic. I would like to see what benefits I can receive for the new Rogue ST? I will load up with my current shafts with Callaway sleeve tip and get the data to evaluate.

The temperature is getting better for golfing, it's a good timing to gear up my new 2022 golf clubs. There are more reviews on coming summer for the drivers and irons.




