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Woodbridge golf course!~上集

Woodbridge golf course!




這個球場前9比較難,都是樹林、水池分佈。它的水池不是像前兩天打的Watters creek那樣大和美,就是球道給你一個水溝,或是左邊樹林,右邊一條小水溝。所以方向一偏,就麻煩或掉桿了。前3洞都在熱身但還可以維持住,都靠短桿救下不少球。最近短桿發揮很不錯,切的準度和力道都有如pro降駕,所以可以把每一洞控制在par或加一。簡單說就是打多了,短桿就風聲水起、靠信心和經驗加持。

它的沙坑有,但沒有很多、也不大。我今天都沒有下沙,它的沙是細沙,有看同組老外打,可以判斷出來。今天第二洞開始就和後面一位老哥一起打。他是這裡的會員,所以有他提供我球道策略和狀況,才能在前9如魚得水。只有掉一個球,開球打歪掉。我個人覺得這個球場很像Watters Creek風格,但我覺得Watters creek比較好,這裡覺得它會刻意讓你lay up打。沒有空間去突破!


Woodbridge golf course!~下集

I will go up to New York City in the end of the month so I plan to play the last round in Pano. Friends recommend Woodbridge golf course, it's about 30 minutes driving from Pano. It's good course with challenges and books Saturday 1pm tee time. It's kind of hot over 90 degree and play alone.

My kids love NYC better than Plano but Taxes is a good place for golfing. I will come back later once kids go to the college and retire in Plano. This area has lots of golf courses, the fire wheel golf course is next to the woodbridge. Today there are many golfers playing and it will have tough time to play without doubt.

Today is the worst and longest play I have ever done in Plano, TX for golfing. The group in front of me is spending too much time on searching the balls, that's driving me crazy and the body gets cool down in back 9 without good plays. However, I play with couple of local members and they provide lots of info and suggestions to me. That's priceless experience and memory in this course.

I play blue box with over 6500 yards, on the second hole the local guy join with me to play but he finishes on 14th hole since his place is close to this hole. The back 9 with one young member to join. That's good to have local people to chat with and they provide the strategy and information to make the right way on the green.

Woodbridge is similar with Watter Creek but I prefer Watter Creek better since it's view and design are similar with tournament. Woodbridge design is limited with forcing you to lay up on certain holes. That's why the short game play important rule to make a good score in each hole. Since I have been playing lots of rounds and short game skills has been picking up. I can make the one chip and one putt to close.

Woodbridge golf course!~Part II




