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德州打球雜談/Golfing in Texas!~上集

德州打球雜談/Golfing in Texas!


一到暑假,很多高爾夫營隊和課程就會如野火般漫開。所以小孩,老人都是主要的加入族群。當然從20到60歲都是主力。如果你在德州,沒有打高爾夫就在寶山,沒有去享用,浪費了。比賽也都有,美巡賽也有在德州的場次,PGA的總部和Bryson Dechambeau也都在這裡。朋友一次去練球還看到他在練球和拍視頻。



我以前也有在加州打過球,風格和德州差不多。費用也是差不多。當然也有私人的country club,不過我連公共球場都沒有打滿、打爽,去打私人球場的動力就沒有太大。而且達拉斯這邊的球場,平日打球人不多。就算有約時間,到球場,隨時都可以開打,很隨性。不過幾個比較有管理和制度的球場,就會要求準時看球或併組打。



德州打球雜談/Golfing in Texas!~下集

i have been playing golf in Dallas area for over 6 months. Today I am going to talk about my experience and thoughts regarding golfing in Dallas. Basically Dallas is the third largest city in Texas and located in north of Texas. The headquarter of PGA is located in Frisco, north of Dallas city and Bryson DeChambeau is living Plano area. My friend was in driving range and saw him to play and take the videos.

I have played over 20 golf courses in Dallas area. Generally speaking the golf course style is similar without big difference. It's good for golfers to build your skills and experiences to get better level, since a number of golf courses provide wide range of fairway and less bunkers/water. For me it's like driving range.

On the other hand, the challenge is limited and hard to skill up on certain of abilities. The other advantage is the cost is very friendly. The cart fee is on the green fee as well unlike the cost is high in north of east coast. I can only say it's a golfing paradise that you can enjoy your time to relax and build your swing.

The summer, you are able to see lots of kids, and seniors jumping into the field. You can get the swing lessons on driving range or pro shops easily. Of course, the temperature is high during the summer but it's able to play golf all seasons in Dallas. That's why golfing in Dallas is very comfortable and relax.

Golfers are living the golf course or nearby the course, sometimes they just play in the middle of the 18 holes then go straight to his house. Golfing is like go to the gym or park to enjoy a time. You would not feel it's a work or thing to complete. That's why golfers in Texas is very friendly and relax!

Golfing in Texas!~Part II




