Callaway Mavrik driver review /1木測試心得!~上集
我這次打了Mavrik、Mavrik Max兩款。我沒有試Mavrik Sub Zero,因為對那種有難度的桿頭,不是太有興趣。因為現在一堆桿頭都是好看、易打、容錯高。不太想去用那種太需要技術去打的桿子。非主流的產品就先排除,所以還是用簡單一般的款式就可以。
Mavrik和Max兩款其實都一樣,打起來手感和性能都差不多。實在感覺不出來有什麼差別。簡單說Mavrik的桿頭打起來就是一整個好打、易打。比Epic要好用多了。也是這次在PGA上,讓我比較驚艷的一款產品。因為以前也用過Epic Flash,打起來像鐵板一塊,很不舒服,這個影響一直留在心理。
以前對Callaway的印象就是性能好,但價格高、有難度、和手感鳥....但這次打Mavrik就完全改觀。因為手感這塊要比Taylormade SIM要優。可以感受到擊球擠壓的感覺,桿面的敏感度很高,中球的位置很清楚可以感受到。同時桿面彈性也比以前要好多。真的讚!
Callaway Mavrik driver review /1木測試心得!~下集
Epic and Epic flash drivers have weight screws designs that make the heads have the difficulty of resistance in downswing and the jailbreak makes the impact so bad and harsh. That's why I don't have good image on Epic series. On the other hand, Mavrik is rounded design and smooth shape, it certainly helps dowswing aerodynamic of head moving.
I have tried Mavrik and Mavrik Max two models, I did not try Sub zero version. I am not interested in such driver as it needs more skills to work on the driver and fast speed to drive the ball hard. Nowadays, the driver needs to be easy to play, forgiving, and good performance. I think regular version driver head can do it well without question.
Mavrik and Max versions are similar, I barely identify the two drivers' differentiation. The common feedback is good feel, forgiving and good performance. You do not need to have good skills or stable swing to handle the driver, you can easily drive the ball long and high. This driver is impressive me during the PGA show.
With Epic series image, the impact feel is uncomfortable and hard to control, but now mavrik is totally different driver from Callaway. It's hard to believe this driver made by the same company. You can say mavrik is the advanced version of Rogue driver, but certainly it's not inherent model for Epic.
The Mavrik driver is good on impact feel, you can feel your squeeze the ball and the ball is jumping to the air nicely. The face does great job to allow golfer to interact during the impact, that's the best thing of Mavrik! It should be the best callaway driver I have ever played in recent 5 years.
I have tried various shafts with Mavrik head, the best fit is 50g shaft. It fits my swing and tempo that I can drive the ball long and high. The ball is easy to launch to the air with fast ball speed. The average golfers can deliver the best result with this driver without difficulty. The only concern is the launch angle is a little bit high so if you would like to drive the ball flat, it's better to use lower loft.
Callaway Mavrik driver review~Part III