去年年初在奧蘭多PGA用過Callaway Mavrik木桿後就對Callaway木桿另眼相看。原本Epic Flash木桿的鐵板回饋,在新的Mavrik就完全沒有,取而代之是紮實舒服的擊球感。所以就訂一支Sub Zero和一支Mavrik來玩玩。但因為去年在疫情就沒有去球場打,而且也沒有找到適合的桿身來搭配。
今年LAGP Trono終於有出55 R硬度桿身就也訂Olyss桿身。而Olyss桿身特性比較適合一般球友的使用。因為材質裡加了Zylon可以提升擊球穩定性和手感。日系桿身裡如果加了Zylon這個外掛,價格就至少增加50%。所以是非常有價值的外掛材質。而Olyss也不過450USD的價格,真的佛心來了。當然就訂支來玩玩。
先說Mavrik Sub Zero,Mavrik的好處就是桿面兩隻鐵柱Jailbreak技術,外加AI人工智慧桿面設計,上蓋的碳纖維材質,減輕重量和讓桿頭重量更加集中在底部。或許官方給的一堆屌到爆的技術名詞,但對我來說,這個頭就是這幾個東西罷了。其他就不需要去提,因為都是無關痛癢的東西。
而Sub zero版就是和Mavrik版差別在擊球的倒旋低,反彈角也低。桿頭尺寸是一樣,所以需要有點速度和力量來摧的球友比較適合。而我為什麼會買這Sub Zero?給我兒子配置新的桿子用。因為他才14歲,但速度、力量都遠高於我。所以可以打得動,只是配置Olyss應該會比較容易發揮和駕馭。看看會是什麼結果?
當然我自己打一般版的Mavrik,Mavrik和2021 Epic都是一樣的連接器,所以桿身是可以交替使用。如果打出來彈道過低,就把red tie的50 R給換到這個桿身也可以(我目前是Sub zero配AXS Red 50 R)。反正我設置都是一樣的長度。用起來的差別在於桿身的重心不同,會有一個到兩個的揮桿重量差。桿身重量都是差不多。硬度也都是選R。因為我有買不同配重螺絲來調整桿頭重量,來解決揮重問題。
當然每一支桿身特性都不同,所以打出來的結果也會有不同。因為桿頭也不同。而Olyss也是高噸位碳布材質為主,所以桿身強度也不在話下,但配置Zylon材質可以讓使用操作更好。讓揮桿速度不快的球友一樣可以打的爽歪歪。而且一開始出來也是有55 R硬度,就是針對速度力量不大的人設計。看得出來LAGP對產品有針對不同使用族群來設計。
Callaway Mavrik Sub Zero 10.5/ LAGP Olyss 55 R 木桿測試!~中集
Callaway Mavrik Sub Zero 10.5/ LAGP Olyss 55 R 木桿測試!~下集
Callaway Mavrik Sub Zero 10.5/ LAGP Olyss 55 R 木桿測試!~完結篇
Since I played Callaway Mavrik driver in Orlando PGA show, the solid impact feeling has been driven me crazy. After that I bought one Mavrik driver and Mavrik Sub zero to play. However, during the pandemic, I did not play too much time for these drivers, the other reason was there is no good shaft to fit these two driver heads.
Finally, in early of 2021, LAGP releases the new wood shafts, I have bought Trono 55 R, Olyss 55 R and Axs Red 50 R three shafts to fit these two drivers. The reason why I pick Olyss is the material advantage as it's come with Zylon to enhance the hitting feel and shaft consistency. Most of Japanese shafts are embedded this material, the price will increase at least 50%.
You can understand how important and expensive for this material. However, the Olyss shaft is no longer to produce in 2021. I guess it's the cost issue for this shaft. The retail price for Olyss is $450 that is really friendly compared with other Japanese peers, this price is stolen. That's why I would like to try this shaft.
I fit the sub zero head with this shaft. The Mavrik sub zero is different with Mavrik such as low launch angle, and low spin. That says you need to have certain swing speed in order to drive the ball high and long. This driver is built for my son since he is bigger and power than me with only 14 years old. He is able to drive this combo better than me.
The good thing for me to consider Mavrik, sub zero and new Epic is the same shaft adapter. I can switch the shafts to Mavrik, sub zero and Epic to see which one is better to fit my swing? I picks the same shaft weight and flex, of course, I adjust the head weight to get similar total weight. But the shaft center of gravity is different and results in various swing weight.
It's not hard to adjust the head weight for my playing range, since I purchase various callaway weight screws. I have set the same lengths for these 3 drivers and will switch the shafts to fit the heads in order to find the best result. I believe smooth swing speed golfers can work nice with Olyss and sub zero combo. It will need to see what trajectory this shaft is generated?
Callaway Mavrik Sub Zero 10.5/ LAGP Olyss 55 R driver review!~Part II
Callaway Mavrik Sub Zero 10.5/ LAGP Olyss 55 R driver review!~Part III
Callaway Mavrik Sub Zero 10.5/ LAGP Olyss 55 R driver review!~Final