今天週日天氣多雲但很舒服,就去跑跑步,中午去球場練一下球。這次開箱新的球場,開車大約15~20分左右可以到。也是我考慮的home course之一。而它的練習場不需要經過他們的會所/club house,直接在旁邊的地方有可以買球和投球的機器來處理。
另外也有小9洞設計,6個par 3 和3個par 4。這種設計也是帶2~3支鐵桿就可以打完。讓球友可以解手癢。當然還有一般的18洞設計。下次來挑戰他們18洞。好像風景很好,也有點挑戰的設計。這個球場也有18洞,不少大人帶孩子來打,很多東方臉孔。是目前為止我看到最多亞洲人來打的球場。
Watters creek 球場+練習場!~下集
Today is Sunday, although it's cloudy with 60 degree. Taking my golf bag to driving range for practicing. This time I go to Watters Creek golf course, it's about 20 minutes driving from my place. It's good for my home course selection. The driving range has the range house to buy and get the balls without entering the club house. It's so convenient.
There are about 25 hitting spots, compared with the ranch driving range and twin creek golf course, this driving range is kind of small and not feeling good to play. The hitting space is smaller and feeling so stressful on playing it. Particularly today is Sunday noon, there are many golfers and kids with father to play.
I grab small basket and still need to wait for spot. That's why I do not like to play on weekend as there are so many golfers come out to play. The good thing for this driving range is the hitting place is not on the grass area. There is soft pad area that you can hit your irons that is good protection for the iron heads. Of course you can go down to the grass area to hit your driver and woods.
However, the grass hitting area is not organized as it's not standing smooth. I am kind of feeling painful after playing my drivers and 3W. The good thing is the range ball is using Pinnacle range ball that is softer than Callaway range ball in the ranch driving range. But the distance is shorter with my plays on irons and woods.
Watters creek 球場+練習場!~Part II