冬天逐漸尾聲,天氣和溫度也就慢慢恢復了。千呼萬喚要來試試新的木桿終於有機會。去年Covid我幾乎沒有下場打球,一來球場封場,只能在練習場解癢。今年開始恢復我測試的任務。年初裝好3支木桿,一支是Callaway Mavrik/LAGP AXS Red tie 50R /白管,一支是Callaway Mavrik sub zero/ LAGP Olyss 55 R, 最後是這隻猛獸 Callaway 2021 Epic Max LS/ LAGP Trono 55 R.
我做事會比較detail/細和vertical/深入,我不會去試2021幾個品牌的木桿來分享,通常都是選一款或2款來做深入的比較和測試。像Callaway這幾年的木桿讓我很驚艷。尤其去年在奧蘭多PGA展覽,測試過Mavrik就回去買來用。以前我也用Flash Epic,但手感實在太硬了,雖然球速和效能都不錯,但產品還是有缺陷,就放棄。但到了Mavrik桿面回饋這塊完全改善,已經有木桿反彈的感覺。性能是Callaway的招牌,就不說。
因為有Mavrik的經驗,對於新的Epic木桿就有期待,當然想再購入。而它有三款木桿,Speed,Max, Max LS。Speed不用說就是給速度快的虎背熊腰的球友們,MAX就比較適合一般人,而LS是Low Spin。最近我一直在寫有關spin的文章,就是21世紀的木桿都是在spin身上打轉。所以大家要瞭解這個絕招,才能開外掛。
我挑了MAX LS版,一來打動作也熟練,二來low spin是近來木桿的發展重點,而我要配置的桿身也是以low spin為主。這樣可以來觀察和研究,現在新的木桿就算low spin對一般人來說,是否可以駕馭,對於飛行距離是否會影響?這是我要研究和瞭解的地方。新的技術和材質把spin壓下來,對距離尤其是飛行距離來說是否有改變?如果你不知道這些東西和關聯,就無法知道什麼東西可以幫你增加距離,球速可以更快,滾的更遠?
Epic的桿頭有幾個它們招牌絕招:jailbreak、AI 設計的桿面、上蓋大面積的碳纖維材質、桿頭低風阻設計。基本就是這幾個屌到爆技術。Jailbreak是桿面後方有2根柱子設計,可以快速把擊球能量給反彈回桿面,AI 桿面設計是依據大數據把球友們擊球熱區給優化,讓桿面的回饋和非甜蜜點的擊球可以更有效。低風阻桿頭,風阻比以前Flash epic要提升1~2mph桿頭速度。
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~產品說明2
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~實際測試篇1
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~實際測試篇2
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~完結篇1
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~完結篇2
Winter is almost gone, wether is better for golfing. Last year pandemic, I was unable to do the club testing, only could go to the driving range to play. Now I am picking up the golf club testing and built 3 drivers including Epic Max LS/LAGP Trono 55 R, Mavrik/ LAGP AXS White 50 R, Mavrik Sub zero/ LAGP Olyss 55 R. It's good and getting passions with the new gears.
The reason why I pick up all Callaway recent drivers to try out is doing the vertical test in order to know the differentiations between last year Mavrik and this year new Epic? Most of golfers hesitates to purchase Mavrik or Epic when they selects the new driver. Since last year driver has discount and is it worth to get the new model without discount? That's what we need to find out and you can get the information from the artcile.
I have good experience from Mavrik since I did try it in last year's PGA orlando golf merchandise show. Base on this experience, I get Epic Max LS to try and build three various shafts to see how it performs and handles? The advantage is to allow me to switch the shafts to Mavrik and Epic without difficulty. Of course, the current setup has my goal and experience to reach? It's the soul and DNA of the driver !
New Epic is inherent the following technology and features from Mavrik such as Jailbreak, AI face technology, carbon fiber crown with aerodynamic shape. These are telling us couple things, one is to make the head speed faster with less downswing resistance, the other is to generate fast ball speed. It's all related with the distance and less spin. That's why I have been writing the articles regarding the low spin.
It's critical for low swing for nowadays driver, that's why we have been seeing many new drivers in recent 5 years to reduce the spins in order to get more distance and fast ball speed. That's the reason why I pick up LAGP Trono shaft as it's also the low spin shaft. Let's see the low spin driver head with low spin shaft is able to result?
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review!~II
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review!~III
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review!~IV
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review!~V
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review!~VI