2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~產品說明1
我只能說;Mavrik上,這些東西都有。所以新的Epic是否有比較好,就看這些技術它們可以優化到什麼程度。因為Mavrik在這些技術上已經做得很好了,有些技術從Epic flash就出來了,而2021的Epic能否有再進化的空間和能力?這是我要去發掘。
Epic Max LS 木桿的重量含連接器202.2g,桿面重心在中間偏桿趾位置,使用也不會有太大偏差。以市售的桿頭來說,質量也是可以接受。這樣的桿頭重量要配置的桿身也需要考量到長度。這次選用的桿身是性能導向的LAGP Trono,這款桿身是以Dechambeau的使用需求為設計基礎,我很早以前就想用但,它們沒有做55g的重量,到今年年初才有。真的一波三折!
對於桿身的性能和結果就只能實際用了才知道。在握把,我選用Golf Pride Tour Velvet 360,基本款,重量50g。考慮到孩子的手掌和手指也比較大,所以用這款握把握的感覺和大小會比較適合。當然我也可以用,只是會利用比較多手掌的握法。
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~實際測試篇1
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~實際測試篇2
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~完結篇1
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~完結篇2
Basically, these technologies are all in Mavrik head. It's nothing new or breakthrough. Some were already in previous modem Epic flash. Thus I am trying to see whether or not the new 2021 Epic driver can deliver anything better than Mavrik and Epic flash? It needs to play and see the differentiations.
The Epic Max LS driver head weights 202.2g with sleeve, the face center of gravity is located center of the face but about 2mm away from the center of face and toward to the toe of the face. Based on the retail head quality, it's okey and acceptable. The face CG is able to use weight screws to adjust without problem.
Regarding the shaft, I pick up the LAGP Trono 55 R flex. Since this shaft is developed and followed DeChambeau's requirements. He has been so hot since last year's weight increased. The shaft must be super strong in order to load his power and speed. Therefore, the spins for both back and side spins need to be low for performance and consistency.
I was trying to get it since last year when Trono was out of market. However, there was no 55 weight. Until this year, they finally releases 55 S flex to the market and in February, the 55 R flex is available. That's why I built the driver in late February and eager to try out for this monster combo.
The shaft is performance driven with shaft center of gravity closed to tip section that makes the whole driver's swing weight become high. Generally it's going to make the swing weight about 1 to 3 higher than other shafts. It's very important to make the setup easier to play when you select performance driven shaft.
Do not think you are young with power and speed, if the swing weight is high, it will make your swing and striking accuracy without consistency. You need to think if you play last 5 holes of the 18 holes, the body and energy are unable to perform like beginning. Therefore, golf club setup is critical to allow you swing nicely and easily! That's damn important but most golfers and clubmakers just ignore.
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~III
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~IV
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~V
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~VI