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Cayote Ridge golf course!~下集

Cayote Ridge golf course!

Cayote Ridge golf course!~上集









Today I lost 4 balls with out of bound and getting into the waters, but I pick up 8 balls from the rough and trees. I like their greens that are very challenged with different shapes. Of course, there are bunkers and waters surrounded. If you did not bring your accuracy and consistency, saying goodbye to your golf ball.

The green is built on different hight that makes the putting more fun. The each hole has the trees to divide and make sure the balls would not go to other fairway. Since this golf course is tough and I can hear golfers saying fore all the time but the ball is not jumping to other fairway. That's good design as the range of fairway and fairway has space and trees to resist the ball flying over.

The average golfers can't control the body and swing accurately so the mis shots are all the time. With that, the designer of the golf course needs to make sure the ball would not go to other fairway to hit the golfers. There are a number of golf courses in Taiwan and China having the design issue that the balls are always flying to other fairway to make golfers' life in danger. I had such experience before.

That's why I always check the golf design that is related the golfers life. Personally speaking if the total distance can be over 6500 yards, it will be more challenge and fun. The current distance and design make golfers to lay up without the chance to target the green. Moreover, there are many holes you can not see the greens since there are the uphill on fairways and dog leg designs to hide the green.

If you are new for this golf course, it's better to bring some golf balls for losing. The distance is not the key mission, but the accuracy and consistency play critical to make your ball alive. The good thing is there is GPS panel in the golf cart for golfers to refer the yardage. That's very friendly feature for helping golfers make up the strategy and pick up the right golf club to target.

To play this golf course, you have to be certain skill, experience and golf level, it gives you the tons of impacts for your mental and physical. If you can't make your tee shot on the fairway or iron shots are not consistent, it's better to play other golf courses for more practical and consistent your swing first. This golf course is for advanced golfers to see what's their problems and shortage. The other benefit is the course is well organized and maintenance! That's the plus.




