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複合式材質桿頭 vs 純金屬材質/Composite wood vs metal wood!~下集

複合式材質桿頭 vs 純金屬材質/Composite wood vs metal wood!

複合式材質桿頭 vs 純金屬材質/Composite wood vs metal wood!~上集




原因在給予桿頭一個理由和故事感!當一個產品要推展時,你的核心價值就很重要。而技術這塊是硬底子,有一個很酷的材質技術做背景,是更容易去說服球友購買的基礎。 同時也是區別自己產品和其他品牌產品的一個重要差異性。所以你問你自己,當你想到複合式桿頭時,你會先想到哪一家品牌產品?答案就很清楚,這也是廠商它們想要塑造的形象!



It's all about the striking power, in terms of launch monitor, it's the smashing factor. The metal wood head is like the whole head impact the ball, but if your swing speed is not good enough, it won't be good for making the good smashing result. It's like to strike on the point or strike on the face? If your power can be more specific on a small spot, it will generate the powerful energy of striking.

The composite wood head is good on focusing the weight in certain spot, it will drive the energy better and powerful instead of striking on the big space. However, the nowadays wood head designs are more likely on the overall shape and weight distribution in order to drive the head speed fast on down swing. The face needs to follow USGA's COR rule for both metal and composite woods.

The point is to give the head a good story for golfers to purchase. If there is a story regarding the technology, and materials for the wood head, it's a plus for golfers to make up his mind on woods selection. That's why composite woods are more complex but there are the companies to use it. Let me ask you a simple question, which brand is using composite wood? Answer is simple and that's the exact thing the brand company wants.

Composite wood is not the new technology or material, it's been the market for over 4 decades. I have been using composite woods from 20 years ago, honestly the recent 2 years' composite drivers are the best I have been using. Technology and materials are better than before, this technology is mature for companies to implement. The impact feedback, and result of the performance are better than ever.

That's why I use composite woods. I was a fan for metal wood but composite woods are moving fast and mature than metal. For average golfers, you need to see the results of both woods in order to know which one is better fit? I would suggest to have a clubfitter to let you try both woods with various setup and shaft selections. You will see the differentiations and find the right wood for your play.




