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Fujikura Ventus TR Blue 5S review 測評!~上集

Fujikura Ventus TR Blue 5S review 測評!

2023年的新裝備是開始把TM Stealth桿身升級為Ventus TR blue 5S!Ventus的火到抓不住,從Ventus到Ventus TR (2022上市)就真的是很多選手的最愛,也是美巡賽裡使用率最高的桿身。當然我也不去贅述,這次我沒有買Stealth2木桿,也是覺得升級的空間很有限,不過桿身這塊可以讓球桿有更不同的效能。

Ventus TR系列是Ventus桿身的升級版,對於材質有顯著的提升,主要使用40噸和70噸的高碳布材質,同時在桿身前端更加強化強度,可以讓擊球的倒旋更低和彈道不會沖太高。這對進階型球友來說是很好的搭配。如果要讓距離和失擊這2部分都有好的表現,桿身的強度和材質是2大關鍵。TR的Blue款就是我會先來玩的款式。後面會用TR black 5R 在我Titleist TSR2木桿上來進行測試和說明。

TR Blue的設定是低倒旋和中彈道,我自己去年用Stealth的經驗是擊球的起發角不會高,所以可以用中彈道的桿身來讓球可以飛更遠。這也是我會把TR Blue給放在Stealth原因。桿身重量59g已經接近60g,裁剪到使用的重量也有56g,我裝44.5“長,來讓使用上可以得到最好的極限,但桿頭重量還是對我使用有點重,所以我會把桿頭後面的配重螺絲給卸下來,以讓操控和使用的到最好。

我實際打的狀況是,如果不卸下螺絲,球會一直偏右邊,因為手臂下來的速度不夠快,導致觸球時,桿面時開的狀況。而這個狀況再我使用Callaway Paradym時是沒有,因為Paradym的桿頭重量比Stealth要輕,而且長度也只有44”。所以我打起來Paradym都是球球直直的噴到落地。這也是我會把Stealth螺絲卸下。因為桿身重量比去年我用的Veylix要重。這就是差別!

當然把螺絲卸下來,球就直了!而去球速是我目前這幾隻木桿來說最快。難怪今年一些測評都說Stealth2木桿是最佳木桿。它的出球速度真的猛,能和它比的我看就是Titleist TSR2了。因為我另一支今年的玩具就是TSR2,所以兩隻就如同猛虎出閘。上場就是生龍活虎!真的很愛

Fujikura Ventus TR Blue 5S review 測評!~下集

The new gears lineup of 2023 are important task for me, I have upgraded the Taylormade Stealth driver shaft to Fujikura Ventus TR 5 S flex! Ventus has been so hot in recent 5 years, it's the number 1 usage in tour, but also the aftermarket shaft. I have been fitting a number of Ventus and Ventus TR shafts for golfers with satisfaction and now I am using it on the stealth driver to make it perform better!

Ventus TR series is the upgrade version of Ventus lineup. It's using better material with less spin rate and tip enhancing technology for the performance and consistency. Since the stealth driver used Veylix Mansion shaft with similar material and technology but I need to get this driver to the next level for generating less spin for rolling.

Veylix mansion shaft is good for sure but I need to build another shaft as the alternative for comparing the differentiations such as the feel, forgiving and performance. Therefore, Ventus TR is the best candidate for golfers to review it. TR blue is designed for mid launch and low spin profile that is good to meet my expectation.

The TR blue 5 S flex is weighted 59g and after cutting to my length/44.5", it becomes 56g for ideal 50 gram shaft weight. However, the head weight is still heavy with my usage, I would remove the back weight for making the swing easier. Since I make all my drivers' length from 44" to 44.5" for best control, it's important to make sure the right specification for your play then you are able to squeeze the best energy from the driver.

When I play stealth with TR blue 5S combo, I have fade all the time since the length is a little longer for my down swing. During the striking, the club face is slightly opened. Once I remove the head weight, my ball is extremely straight. Since I play my Callaway Paradym driver with 44" and ligher head weight, my ball has no side spins. That's the reason why I remove the weight to make the head lighter for controling.

Fujikura Ventus TR Blue 5S review !~Part II




