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Gogogo Sport Vpro雷射測距儀!

Gogogo Sport Vpro雷射測距儀!



這款可以抓650碼內的距離,可以抓目標物,鎖定目標顯示距離。很容易也快速,更重要是有對斜坡的計算都是球友救命功能。另外風速也可以計算,這些功能我只能說你下場打球需要的東西,基本這款都可以滿足你。 對於產品的重量和大小,你都可以一手掌握,恰到好處。我選黑色是因為避免髒。


Spring is arrived and now there are many things needed to get before playing. I bought new laser range finder for playing smoothly. I have been using my eyes to check the distance but it's not really accurate so it's important to get the range finder to help my physical contact become accurate.

With the range finder, I am able to build my eyes range finder better. I plan to check the distance with my eyes then use laser range finder to check the distance. This way I am able to see the differentiation between my feel and range finder.

In Asia, there are various distance objects I can check for the distance but in the USA, there is such thing to help me find the right distance. That's why I have been playing very struggled and hope I am able to get things turn around. Nowadays the laser range finder is cheaper and accurate due to the technology.

The reason why I select GOGOGO Sport Vpro is the usage and pricing. Of course there are many golfers using it. I am not going to spend over $200 for a range finder and this one just costs me $85 shipping to my place. It's easy to use, light weight and accurate.

I am going to play a round in Maryland this weekend for spring break, hope this new equipment is able to help me perform better and accurate. I will share my review later once I have learned the practical experiences.



