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Lab golf putter/仰角平衡推桿品牌!

Lab golf putter/仰角平衡推桿品牌!

LAB Golf putter 我在幾年前就聽過也看過了。最初是Direct Force這款推桿,外型真的讓我很倒胃,對於外貿協會的人來說,那個大大像朵花的推桿外型真的不是我們這種低調不花俏的人會考慮。到去年底,朋友有說推過LAB 的推桿嗎?我說沒有,朋友建議我去試看看,我就說找機會。上網稍微查一下,產品也增加3款,外型上也變不錯。

前一陣子朋友把他的LAB B2賣我,這是他店裡的展示產品,所以狀況很好我就買來玩玩,基本就是一個長方形的鐵條設計,我真的對這推桿一點期待也沒有。但去練習場推了一次後就完全讓我愛上,手感之好是我推過的推桿來說最好,很像打日本鍛造鐵桿的綿密手感。後面實際下場一回也讓我對它完全貼在地板上。太好推,也太容易推了。


因為現在市面推桿都不是桿面方正,你把推桿放在桌上,桿頭會自動因為重力而產生桿面朝上、朝左、或朝右。這是因為桿頭設計把桿面重心放在中間、桿根、或桿趾位置。而LAB 推桿都是桿面朝左,也就是桿根朝地面。非常的穩!也說明這桿面是完全的重量在桿根,會讓你推起來非常容易和穩定。

市面上的推桿都不是桿面朝前方/目標方向,所以你的手指和手掌要去控制桿面,讓它可以方正和朝前。但這個不容易,因為手會自動去補正或不足的對桿面控制。這也是最難的地方。而Lab推桿的技術就是Lie angle balance,把桿面自動朝前,讓球友可以更容易去推擊。減少手指和手掌對桿頭的控制!


Lab golf putter is kind of new for me since I have heard its name about 4 or 5 years ago, but I did not have any intention or interest on this brand. The initial model of Lab golf is Direct force with big mallet head design, it did not get my attention at all. However, my friend who is the clubfitter recommends me to check it out and it drives my attention.

Couple months ago, my friend sold me his demo Lab B2 putter and I did not really appreciate that as the design is traditional blade style with less design. I tried once at driving range, it really impressed me then played it one round then I am really a LAB putter believer. Why? First of all the feedback is very soft and solid.

It's critical for putter in feedback that you are able to know whether or not you strike on the sweet spot of the putter face? The B2 gives me softest feedback on striking the sweet spot and the consistency and control are extremely unbelievable. It makes the putting easy and simple for the average golfer.

The technology on Lab golf putter is Lie angle balanced! The putter head face is straightly to your target, it reduces your hands controlling on the putter head face direction without making more mistake. Your job is so easy to hold the putter and maintain the head path through striking. It's unlikely other brands putter with putter face up, and imbalanced condition that increase the difficulty of maintaining the head direction.

After using B2, I purchased Mezz 1 and Link 1 putters with good experiences. However, B2 is still my best putter with greatest feedback. I am not its dealer or distributor, I just share golfers what I have got for recent good stuff. I suggest you can go to your local chain store such as PGA superstore or golf Galaxy. They have carried Lab products, once you try you are able to knkow what's lie angle balanced?




