喇賽DeChambeau US Open冠軍的第二桿/DeChambeau's second shot on US open!~上集
我有觀察US Open里的長草區,草都非常長。很綿密,我打過那樣的長草,真的不好打。力量不夠是打不出來。因為草密、也長,容易讓桿頭被草給絆住而出不來。所以打那樣的長草必須要下桿速度快,讓桿頭可以如同利刃一樣,可切斷長草把球給帶出來。
而且我觀察到其他選手從長草脫困,球到果嶺也很難可以留住。一來是US Open那種變態級的果嶺速度,球從長草出來,吃到桿面的倒旋量會比一般在球道時要更少。因為接觸時同時有草的阻隔。DeChambeau的球卻可以留在果嶺。最多就滾到果嶺邊,不至於滾出果嶺。這是差別很大!我認為DeChambeau的LAGP碳纖維鐵桿桿身確實也發揮出不錯的效果,提升倒旋量,讓結果可以不會太差!
He did not grab many birdies on the whole series but he is very stable to maintain the par for each hole and then wait for other players' mistake. That's great strategy particularly it's US open insane green speed. Most tour players' balls are hard to keep it on the green from the rough shots, but DeChambeau can make it on the green. I think his LAGP iron shaft contribute the work without doubt.
Most of PGA tour players are using steel iron shaft and compare with DeChambeau's graphite iron shaft, it's making different on spin rate. Technically speaking, graphite shaft generages more spin than steel shaft and that's the key to tell why DeChambeau's ball can stay on the green instead of rolling over.
Making the shot from the rough is tough. That's why rough is always connected with fairway to make the play become challenging. I would say DeChambeau knows how to deal with rough play through the US open, his ability is up and skilled. With his outstanding distance and rough play, he will be the tough player in the PGA.
For his playing strategy, his fairway is wide and long as the rough is no longer the hassle for him. He doesn't care about the on the fairway accuracy. He can make good shot from rough and land the ball on the green. Moreover, his driving distance is longer than other players, he can easily pass the bunkers or water hazard without difficulty.
Of course, DeChambeau is working hard on his body and practice. He knows how to improve the game and his ability. He has the open minded for migrating to scientific sports knowledge. That's why he has the same iron length setup, unique putting method and so on... I think he has bright perspective and keeps making us think differently for golf and the gears. That's the thing we can learn from!