Coronavirus 在4月讓美國整個國家加入閉門冬眠階段。這對很多企業和中小公司都是如履薄冰、生存一線間。從四月中開始,朋友就告知PXG官網在打折,要我幫忙代購木桿和鐵桿。進去一看,哇!Gen2的產品,都從對折開始。我自己也看得口水直流,手指也不聽使喚!
你也不用想還會不會有更低的折扣?現在他們是割肉換現金求生存,它如果固定搞這種活動,誰還買阿。下面的經銷商、代理商都哀嚎片野。我自己是已經購買了2020 callaway的Mavrik木桿了,也就幫忙朋友們代購PXG木桿和鐵桿。
Due to Coronavirus, the whole April is dead and that makes the whole economy go down sharply. Many companies are having the difficulty and critical situation for surviving. Golf equipment companies are the same, since mid of April, one of my friends asked me to purchase PXG drivers and irons and the prices are on sales for 50% off for off season drivers and irons.
PXG is luxury goods in golf, their products' prices are 50% higher than others, I do not find the advantages for PXG products for average golfers. They are just the brother version of Ping as the product design and development are from Ping. Well, the on sales are good for golfers to consider, now it's cheaper than major golf brands in driver and irons for off season products. I do think it's good timing to get yourself the PXG gears.
I expect the pandemic is going to impact the US economy sharply and even though the government allows people to go out and work later, the companies have to get more sales to gain back the momentum for covering the loss on closing in April. I would expect there are more and more on sales coming out to sell the inventory for making the cash to survive with all small and mid size companies.
Perhaps on following month, we will see more deep sales from big brands for all kinds of products. I would say it is the best timing of getting something for yourself and family. You do not need to wait for specific events to get the discount, all you need to do is to watch the companies advertisement and emails to know the update on product sales.
However, PXG is suffering lots of orders coming in and the lead time of assembling is taking 3 weeks instead of 2 weeks. They are also charging higher shipping rate for a driver with $30 shipping fee and plus tax, a driver with discount costs you over $350. If you are ok for at least 3 weeks lead time, you can check its site to see anything you like?
Do you need to wait for other good deals? I do not think so as nowadays companies are trying to survive as the first priority and they will sell anything to get cash for paying the bills with good discount. If you think to wait later, you will lose the chance as the inventory sales only for this time of period. Once it's gone, no more discount to come in the future. Let's try to get our life back and do little contribution to the society.