從2000年的網路噴發時代開始,我們已經進化到生活網路化。再加上這次的武漢病毒事件,無疑是讓網購加外掛,一路衝!台灣倒是還好,沒有禁足令,但歐美國家,買東西如入虎穴,所以網購已是王道。餐館和速食外送也可以no touch/不接觸送達。因為我就在虎穴,哭啊!
網路銷售,讓所有的產品都要簡單化和標準化/Online sales make everything standardized and simplified!~下集
Since 2000, internet booming has been making our life become internet mode. With Coronavirus pandemic, you must use the internet to order foods, and things with your devices without personal contact. It's part of life or we are living the internet life already.
You can use your cell phone, keyboard and mouse to order things, how about the golf clubs? actually the golf club has been simplified and standardized to fit online order. There is no difference on the clubs in New York and Texas. Thus we do not need to go to the actual store to get the golf clubs unless I would like to chat with the friends in the store.
Now if we are interested in particular golf club, we will check the online information and golf forum to know other people's comments and experience. Then we check various online golf stores to see the prices range then decide where to buy?
If you are afraid of buying counterfeit, you can go to golf club brand's official websites. Nowadays all the golf equipment brands have their own online stores to sell the products. It's much easy to buy things online and the companies like to move the sales to online for better sales volume and less costs.
That's why we are able to see many on-sales events from online stores for golf clubs. Online sales make the market more predictable and modularized, since the barriers are gone such as credibility, payment, geographic and shipping cost. That's why the online sales can always be huge numbers.
Online sales make everything standardized and simplified!~下集