這樣的作息基本是退休的球友專利。我就是專心練好球就撤的人。當然也會和一些老球棍聊兩句。但在練習場是可以看到很多不同人和狀況。 但讓我不喜歡的就是有少數的球友會在後面聽或看。
練習場雜談/Driving range gossip !~下集
Driving range is important social place for golfers. You can chat with your golf buddies in driving range whole day without problem. Driving range is the best place to know the golf culture and you can get some good information from driving range. It's not only practicing, but get the information and knowledge base.
I used to go to driving range every week, since it's easy and convenient to keep my swing in activating and sometimes I can share something with my friends in driving range. In Taiwan, there are some retired people to play golf in driving range for almost 8 hours. They get big basket of balls and have breakfast first, then play a while, chat with other golfers, read the newspapers, play a while and lunch. Then repeating the same works in afternoon.
It's good for retirement, and they can spend the whole day in driving range for whole day. I do not like to have golfers behind me to watch my swing and try to know what I talk with my friends for the golf clubfitting. If he wants to know, we can setup another time to discuss. Having someone to watch and sneak to listen the conversation is not respectable.
That's why I used to go to driving range in daytime of the weekday. To avoid many people in driving range is key to focus on your drill. There is one situation I would highly avoid that to stay away with the teaching group. Some teaching coach is not working with driving range, they go different driving range to find the students/golfers.
These coaches like to give you the tips or help you work out your swing in order to get your order for teaching lessons. I do not like to work with these coaches as their swing is not scientific and not based on the human dynamic. They use their own way and own swing to teach everyone. In short, they want you to use their swing entirely.
Driving range gossip !~Part II