如何選購球桿/How to pick the right golf club?~上集
Nowadays the golf club technologies and materials are mature, manufacturing quality is on the top level. If you compare major brands' new models, I would say it's hard to see the differences on the performance. If you ask for more on the feel, control and forgiving, the custom setup is always the solution for you to consider.
All the new golf clubs are conformed by USGA and R & A rules, therefore, it's hard for them to build a golf club for outstanding performance and big gap on the distance. As matter of fact, it's not about the product, brands and new technology, it's all about your personal preference and personal setup.
If you would like to have the new golf club with matching your swing and body, clubfitting and clubmaking are the solutions for you. To setup your own specification such as length, weight, and swing weight is the way to manage your shots. At the meantime, to have the shaft upgrade is also the key for you to fit your body and swing.
If you would like to know when to get the new golf clubs or should I get the new club? Bring your golf clubs to the clubfitting center, to hit some balls with launch monitor for the data. These data will tell you the condition of your golf club. You will have to try the new golf clubs to make the comparison. It's clear for you to see the differentiation.
Once you have the new gears, please record and monitor your new golf clubs' data then record it every 6 months, you will see the performance decreasing. It's all about your usage and frequency. If you play all the time, I think the performance decreasing easily after 1 year. If you just play for fun, forget about above, just get the club you really like and price matching. Let's go for 2023.