Tee的長短在你的技術能力決定觸球的角度/Swing skill determines your tee hight!~下集
We all know golf tee has various sizes and golfers can decide your tee hight when you tee shot. Furthermover, we know higher tee length will allow your ball flight higher. It's about your swing consistency and swing skills. If your swing is not consistent and correct, you are unable to hit lower tee length.
When you tee shot, your ball is over at least halft ball above the driver head, it will certainly get the high trajectory without doubt. Since striking ball range is wide and high to allow driver head travel freely. When the face contact the ball, the initial launch angle will be much higher than driver loft.
If the Tee length is short, the driver head could not move high and almost contact the ground to travel. This way your head's face loft can be limited without creating high initial launch angle after contacting the ball. It's the whole key for the tee shot. If you want to get the true trajectory of your driver, you can not let your ball above driver head 1/3 when you prepare your tee shot.
That's why your swing accuracy is critical to maintain your driver head movement before striking the ball. If you are not using body rotation to lead the driver head, it's easy to make the driver head touch the ground before contacting the ball. That's why average golfers love to tee high for tee shot.
If you use your arms to lead the downswing, it's more likely to let the head touch the ground when you tee low. It's easy to know a golfer's swing ability and consistency through the tee shot. Therefore, to hit it low trajectory, you will have to work on your swing first, there is no short cut. Although you can use low launch shaft to make the ball flight lower but it will only reduce the flight trajectory little.
Swing skill determines your tee hight!~Part II