推桿桿身淺談/Putter shaft selection!~ 上集
對於推桿硬度來說,碳纖維的硬度都是X或更硬。因為桿身長度比較短,而且需要更加掌握精準度和桿面觸球穩定性,硬度往往都不會是核心問題。而Fujikura的MC推桿桿身是唯一一款可以選擇硬度的產品。有Smooth、Firm、Xtra Firm三種硬度。但我個人用的經驗是,一般人就選smooth和firm就夠了。用到X就會像鋼管那樣的脆度和感覺。實在沒有必要!
基本長度都是一樣(32.50“~32.75“範圍),但重量會有一些差異,差異都是因為桿頭特性需要讓桿身重量和握把重量來配合桿頭發揮。尤其是LAB推桿的桿頭,對於重量的搭配非常要求。尤其它的Lie angle balance技術,也是讓我在配置碳纖維桿身時,花很多時間在設定桿頭的桿根朝下。所以我今天不管拿哪一支推桿下場,都不會有適應不良或不知所措問題。
Moreover, this type of golfers use to big grip size such as superstroke in order to grip solidly. They intend to grip as hard as possible to control the putter but it makes the energy go down quickly. The weakness of this putter method is on short putting distance. Since they use arms and fingers to control the putter, if the energy run out sharply, they are hard to control the head movement.
It will be the nightmare for them to get the ball to the hole in short and mid distances. I was using this method in the early of my golf life but it's hard to putt consistently and accurately. That's why I changed to shoulder swing. It's good for all kinds of distances and easier to manage the putter.
Let's talk about the flex of the putter shaft, typically the putter shaft flex is extra stiff since it needs to react the impact right away and short length of head movement. Stiffness is key for putter to get control and feedback from the whole putting swing. Currently there is only one shaft maker offering the putter shaft flexes for golfers.
Fujikura's MC putter shaft has three flexes for golfers to consider, I personally use smooth and firm, no idea for extra stiff. There is no need to use X flex for putter shaft since you need to have good impact feel to know which spot of the face you contact and know whether or not you strike the right spot.
You need to know the advantages of graphite putter shaft are feel and manageable. If you are not looking at these two features from the putter, sticking with steel shaft. I have been trying many graphite shafts for fitting various putter heads in all ranges of weights, I know how to fit and what shaft weights can work the best on certain putter head designs.
All my putters are in specific length range but there are various weights for me to fit the putter head features. Such as LAB putters with lie angle balanced feature, it took me a lot of time to fit the graphite shafts and find the right setup for lie angle balanced for reshaft and new grip. If your putter doesn't fit your way and body, your performance will be up and down without question.
That's why you need to get fit to stabilized your putting performance. It's how I have done in past 10 years and now I can simply grab one putter to putt 31 +- 2 per round. Since my putter method is stabilized and I don't care which putter I am using, I can just get it to work.