Watters creek traditions course!~上集
現在打的多,經驗累積也相對高。對節奏、策略和打法都有自己的一套。只要可以把穩定性提高,就可以讓成績再進步。這邊的距離都是貨真價實,沒有什麼捷徑可以走。如果你的長距離不行,別說3桿上果嶺,4桿打上都正常。而且今天用便宜、距離一般的2層球,都會輸給別人用Pro V1約5~10碼。對於不熟、有難度的球場,而且併組,我都用2層球來抓感覺和調整狀況。後面打順了也就一直打下去。好球場,值得打!
My short game is getting better, I can deliver the ball to the hole within one flag distance. That's why I can make the damage down to the bottom. The back 9 is easier than first 9. The fairway is wider but the second shot is challenged as well, since the green has bunker and trees surrounded. If you can't droo the ball stop on the green, it's easy to roll over the green.
Particularly the green is turret style. If the second shot is hard to make the ball on the green, I would rather to make it on the edge or in front of green edge. It's easier to chip the ball to the green without taking big chance of the second shot. It helps me guarding par!
I would say to play such golf course, you need to have certain abilities on all kinds of golf clubs and controlling. Since you will need to play them with all kinds of up/down fairways for standard on the green. Moreover, you need to be practical to know your advantages and weakness then make the right strategy for your shot.
The green is tough as well, but you are able to read the green grass pattern and turning point, you can make the putts without problem. That's why the experience and skills are basic to play this golf course. But if you are capable, you will like such golf course to enjoy the fun and challenges.
I play with a couple of Korean, the guy is good player with single handicapper who knows his advantages and make the right choice on the golf clubs. The swing is smooth and consistent. I have learned from his play with the strategy. It's good to play someone who is better than you and you can check how they make the decision and how they work out the problem?
That's why I like to play with strangers who can always bring something for you. All you need to do is to watch and think! It's a good golf course that brings lots of funs and lessons to me. I definitely will play again in the future. Next time I will play good 3 layer tournament ball to make the distance longer with better control. This time I played 2 layer ball and the distance is short 5 to 10 yards with pro v1. All details count!