而球桿在10年、20年錢的價格基本和現在是差不多。唯一有點不同在於driver這塊上。其他鐵桿、雞腿、球道木、挖起桿是沒有太大差別。推桿的價格是有提升約1~2成的空間。以Scotty Cameron的推桿來說10多年前的價格約在台幣1萬以內300美金左右。近些年來要1萬2左右400美金。
現在的球桿和20年前的球桿價格相比,有比較貴嗎/Is the current golf clubs expensive than 20 years ago?~下集
Golf club price is about your budget to spend. IF you have been playing golf for over 10 years or 20 years, you can feel the golf clubs' pricing differentiation. This is I would like to share with golfers with my 20 years golf club purchase experience.
I have been using and testing all kinds of golf clubs including major brands and Japanese less known brands. As a result, I can feel the pricing difference. Do not think I can get free golf clubs from the equipment makers, all of my club reviews are all purchased by myself. Since it's important to express my feel, experience and thought without having the pressure from the makers.
During 20 years time, the golf club prices are similar without big change. The only different in pricing is on woods. Others like wedges and irons are not big change. The putter pricing is up about 10~20% range. You can check the prices for Scotty Cameron, 10 years ago, the SC putter is about $300 range, but now it's $400.
The driver price has gone up about 20%. It was $400 per driver about 15 years ago, but now the driver for major brands is $500. If you counts the inflation, the 20 years ago the price will be $700 to $800 for current price value.
It seems the golf clubs pricing is decreasing. But the fact is before 2013, there were many golf club purchasing discounts and you could get 20 to 50% discount for golf clubs. That's big difference! Currently we do not have discount unless the new products come out on following year. There were many new products come out all the year and when the new products came out, there are discounts for golfers to enjoy and get good bargain.
Is the current golf clubs expensive than 20 years ago?~Part II