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訂製桿不是一次就可以手牽手到永遠/The ideal custom club can not be done by one time!~下集

訂製桿不是一次就可以手牽手到永遠/The ideal custom club can not be done by one time!

訂製桿不是一次就可以手牽手到永遠/The ideal custom club can not be done by one time!~上集






Sometimes I play golf with my friends and customers who have my custom built clubs, By watching their play, I am able to see the whole picture of them situation, strategy and problems. Some golfers have difficult to play smooth in the first 2 to 4 holes, since their body is not complete in the golfing condition and the swing is not fully releasing.

For such situation, it needs to pick up the golf shaft with reducing the side spin feature for making the mis shot impact to the least. That's the thing you are able to be aware when you play with them instead of watching their swing to analyze the swing data through launch monitor.

If it is improving golfer's custom golf club, I am able to see how I can fine tune the current custom club for golfer and improve his current issues in personal preference. It's very important to know custom golf club is not powerful to work out all the problems, it can only reduce your swing problems and improve your performance of the golf clubs.

The golfers need to share all kind of information, problems and requirements for the clubfitters in order to find out the truth of swing problems. Some golfers may shame to share the problems to the clubfitters during the custom fitting discussion. It will make the custom club without the best results. If you want to get the best result, it takes times to build. That's how it works.




