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The importance of swing release!

Golf club has the sweet spot to generate the best performance and your golf swing has the sweet spot as well. With the sweet spot, you can release your power to the maximum and it's something we need to know then make it to the best in play.

When we jump and run, you need to let your arms and feet to be fully released. Once it releases, that's your maximum power. If it's not fully released, the power is still in loading. That's the thing you need to be aware.

The same concept is applied to the golf swing, when you hit the ball that impact is not the power releasing point. Your arms and feet are still in loading and get close to the releasing point. The key is to make the releasing point and striking point as close as possible. This way you will get the best striking power and energy to the ball.

The average golfers have the main issue on releasing the power. In short, they do not even have swing releasing. With my clubfitting experience, most of them do not fully release their swing power after the impact. That's why the ball generates more side spin and could not make good flight in the end of air traveling.

If you look at pros' swing, they do have beautiful swing release. That's why they can make the ball long and straight. As a result, golfers need to understand if you want to make your ball flight longer and straight, you have to make your power release smoothly after striking. You can not just strike the ball then pull the club to finish.

It's the right procedure and method for gaining the max power in swing. If you have right swing releasing, you do not need to swing hard and quick, you can get the good distance and result for sure. Therefore, if you can't have good swing release, you won't get the maximum distance even you swing hard and fast. Being smart and playing the right way!




