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看球桿前,先看規格表,了解魔鬼細節/Checking the spec sheet before purchasing!~下集

看球桿前,先看規格表,了解魔鬼細節/Checking the spec sheet before purchasing!

看球桿前,先看規格表,了解魔鬼細節/Checking the spec sheet before purchasing!~上集


再說到扭矩/Torque, 這塊可能一般球友會不懂。也就是扭轉桿身的阻力。如果扭矩大就是桿頭回正的速度比較慢,但用起來的感受會比較舒服。相對於扭矩小,桿頭回正的速度快,桿身的回饋比較硬一點。如果揮桿速度快的人,力量大,用扭矩小的會比較適合。因為桿頭可以跟上你的速度,同時回正的速度也跟得上。


桿身折點/Kickpoint, 這點對一般球友也不是很熟悉。這是說明桿身的受力彎曲的位置。一般來說,會分為高、中、低。高就是靠近握把端位置,低就是靠桿頭位置。折點位置是桿身的回饋特性。但不見得你可以感受到彎曲的區塊。尤其桿身是使用高噸位碳布材質,就很難感受到桿身的實際彎曲位置。因為材質強度高。

launch angle/ 彈道,這部分是桿身的規格表會有。一般來說,桿身廠不會寫彈道高低,都是寫發射角度。而顧名思義就是launch高,彈道就會高,launch低,球就會飛低。因為彈道高低這問題是主觀的認知。但桿身擊球會把球帶的高低,這是科學的說法。也是我會決定這桿身的飛行特性的依據。



Let's talk about the torque, if the torque is the shaft's resistance to twisting. It's related with your impact feel and sometimes the torque is more important than the shaft flex. If the torque number is small, you will definitely feel stiffer than bigger number of the torque.

What is the torque number good for me? Well, there is no standard number for majority since everyone is different in body condition, shape and golf swing. You will need to check your golf swing tempo in order to pick up the right shaft torque. However, nowadays the stronger carbon fiber material can deliver higher torque and lighter shaft weight for good feel and performance. You should play various shaft torques with the same weight range to feel the difference.

Launch angle is important as flex and weight on golf shaft. To determine the ball trajectory is the golf club's shaft launch angle and golf club head loft. Loft is easy part to know but the launch angle is key to help you deliver the ball to the right level. The shaft makers always indicate or list the launch angle as high, mid or low. That means the trajectory will be high, mid or low.

Since trajectory is varied by personal judgement and it's better to use the launch angle to tell golfers this shaft is able to deliver the ball to certain level of the air. Particularly for after market shafts, this information will be helpful for golfers to select the right product to fit your swing for the maximum performance.

If your golf clubs have been using over 3 years, it's easy to see the difference between the new model/ new condition golf clubs and your gears. Since your golf gears have been passed the best performance period and the new models can always outperform your current one. The key is to find out which product features, profile and advantages are fit your demand then you can take the advantage from it.

The golf club is simple if you look at each part individually but when you build it, it becomes complex to know the details and results. The complexity is there are many factors to effect the result of the performance. It's not just look at single part or factor for the result. That's why we need to know how to look at the golf club specification in order to know the details.




