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握把的尺寸決定於你如何握桿的方式/Golf grip importance!~上集

握把的尺寸決定於你如何握桿的方式/Golf grip importance!





如果你的揮桿平面也是比較平,上桿不陡峭的話,也可能是用手掌在握桿。DeChambeau就是一個最好的例子。它的揮桿平面是單平面,而握法是“手掌”握,所以他的握把尺寸是很大的jumbo size。或許你會有疑問,用手掌握好,還是手指握好?一樣沒有標準答案,看你自己的習慣和身體肌肉強度來決定。


握把的尺寸決定於你如何握桿的方式/Golf grip importance!~下集

Golf grip is very fundamental and important part of the golf club. Most golfers are not paying the attention for their grips, that's part of reasons why you can not swing well and control the golf club for your shots. Now let me ask you one simple question; when is the last time you change the grip or regrip?

Regrip is key for maintaining your grip in the good condition in order to perform the best swing and communicate with the golf club. Most golfers don't even know the grip can be changed or regripped. They think if the grip is no damage or no scratch, it doesn't need to be changed. That's 100% incorrect!

Grip material is synthetic rubber, the benefits are the comfortable feel, and affordable price. However, if you don't use and it is sitting in your closet for long time, the grip surface will get weak with less strongness. That's why you need to regrip regularly even though you don't play frequently.

If the grip condition is not good, you would not get your power 100% to the golf shaft since you will feel slipping during the whole swing. The more power and fast swing speed, the grip plays critical element for generating your power from body to golf club. One simple idea for regripping; you won't wear the same shirt and pants every day, will you?

Now let's talk about the grip size. How do you pick up the right grip size for your golf club? Most golfers just follow others or what they currently have, but is it the right grip size to play? Before jumping the size, we need to know how to grip? over 80% of golfers are using palm to grip. about small percentage of golfers are using the fingers to grip the golf club.

Golf grip importance!~Part II




