今年打了不少的鐵桿,也對現今鐵桿的特性有些加減瞭解和熟悉。我測試的品牌有Taylormade, Titleist,Callaway,Ping等美系大廠產品。Titleist的鐵桿我是用T200,我自己訂一套,然後重組我的規格和更換桿身。這些桿子多半都是2021年的新款式,所以可以從裡面瞭解大廠對鐵桿的設計風格和趨勢。這也是我想和大家喇賽分享。
再說到Callaway,它的產品款式最多。基本就是桿海戰術!外觀有很強的Callaway DNA。不管是刀背、凹背、半凹背或中空的桿頭,都可以知道這是Callaway的產品。外觀不是它吸引我的地方,因為風格太類似,有沒用區隔的跳ton感。但Callaway的鍛造手感是最好,從以前它的x forged我就是它的粉絲。雖然不是日本鍛造產品,但以代工產品來說,手感柔順非它莫屬。
2021年鐵桿特性和風潮/2021 iron trend analyzes!~下集
I have been trying various irons in 2021, with that I am familiar with their technology, material and design. That's I am trying to share with everyone for the 2021 iron trend and pros and cons. I have tried Taylormade, Titleist, Callaway and Ping with cavity, blade and hollow body designs. I personal bought one set of Titleist T200 iron and reshaft with my own specification. It's fun and here are the finding with my experiences.
The iron trend is consistent for forged blade, cavity and packet cast styles, however, in recent years' hollow body is getting more products to the markets and becomes hot product to golfers to consider. I have been playing hollow body iron for over 8 years and I love its performance and feel. It's forgiving like cavity and looks like bade on shape.
Among iron sets from the market, Ping is very unique that provides many hollow body iron products compared with 2T1C (Ttitleist, Taylormade and Callaway) brands. I have tried its irons, the look is great and very attractive but in terms of the feedback, and distance, it's not as good as other peers. For the pricing, it's the same as 2T1C.
How about Titleist, it's solid and good quality with my image and experience. The product is mature with quality, performance and designs. That's why there are many Titleist fans and number 1 sales in golf equipment and golf balls. The off the rock irons are good compared with other competitors but if you do customize or upgrade to good shaft, the performance, feel and forgiving are jumped to better level. That's what I got from my T200 iron set.
Regarding Callaway irons, there are many models and series. They use many models to target all kinds of golfers' preferences and demand. But the appearance looks similar without eye ball impact. However, its forged irons feedback the softest and the best. It's similar with Japan forged feel. They deserve the thumb up! Of course, the performance and distance are on the top three iron brands without question.
2021 iron trend analyzes!~Part II