對的方法是打好球的關鍵/Playing right way is key!~下集
Of couse, to use the right method is important to get things done, but most of people doesn't know the right way! The smart people know to find the teacher or coach to help them get things done without dealing the problems and difficulties. However, the key issue is coach may not know the right solution and approach for students.
Most of golf swing coach are single handicapper or play tournaments then retire to teach golf swing. They were playing a lot of golfs and it's different with average golfers who do not have time to practice and play golf. Coach has time to do the workout, but average golfers don't have time or not willing to do. That's why you can not swing like pro or follow coach's instructions on the swing guideline.
Nowadays using the systematic approach to make things donw is critical as time is money. If you want to work efficient or learn things correctly, the approach is important. Swing coach needs to help golfers build the body strongness and balancing. Without these body abilities, you won't be able to make the right swing. Moreover, your swing won't have the power and quality.
It tells you that working things one by one with priority is the key. If you jump into the swing in the beginning, you can't have a quality swing and powerful swing. Lots of swing details are based on your body flexibility and energy. That's why you need to build your body first as the fundamental for golf swing.
With sports science, lots of knowledge, technique and methodology are implemented through technologies, tools and equipment. We need to use that and help us build the strong body in order to swing correctly and powerfully. If your swing coach doesn't tell you that or doesn't lead you to train your body before jumping in the golf swing, you should consider to find other coaches.
Playing right way is key!~Part II