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高爾夫的自助、半自助和全服務/Golf serviceability!~上集

高爾夫的自助、半自助和全服務/Golf serviceability!




打球這部分我就不多說,而球具和其他相關的配件上,就可以來聊一下。在全服務的地區裡,球具和其他相關的配件都會比較以好看、個人化為主。因為你下場不需要考慮自己背球袋,或不需要以實際需求為主。你看球袋,很多好看的tour bag/選手球袋,很多球友就會考慮。但在自助型的區域,球袋的選擇就偏務實和輕量化為主。



高爾夫的自助、半自助和全服務/Golf serviceability!~下集

I have been playing golf in various countries and different golf courses, it's fun and challenge! I also see and feel different places having various service types for golfers to enjoy the golf. That's the thing I would like to discuss and share with my experience in the places for golf serviceability. The key of the golf for me is to control by myself instead of someone deciding to me.

In terms of the golf services, I divide into three types: full service, half service and self service. It's easy to understand for playing golf in golf course since you are able to know the golf course offers the service such as caddie or your own service. You can rent the golf cart to complete the 18 holes with your own or carry your bag through 18 holes. It's totally up to you!

In Asia, Taiwan, and mainland China are full service with caddie to serve in golf course, you can't rent the golf cart or carrying your own bag to play. That's something you need to know if you play these countries. How about the golf clubs and accessories? Yes, that's a good question! Of course it has totally different service solutions in various countries and places.

Again in Asia, most of the golf clubs and golf accessories are very personalized. It's unlike America and Europe, we purchase standardized goods with good prices. Even though the clubmaking, we are not having personalized service. Of course, if you go to clubfitting/clubmaking shops, you are able to get the personal service based on your requirement and demands.

In Asia, if you would like to have personal and customized golf clubs, it's full service with your personal requirements and preferences. You can choose a number of brands, products and combinations. There are many Japan small brands with cute designs and handcraft products. It's not standardized stuff that can get from the chain stores. It's personal for your golf!

Golf serviceability!~Part II




