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高爾夫動作和年紀關係/ Your physical body and golf swing relationship!~上集

高爾夫動作和年紀關係/Golf Chat!








高爾夫動作和年紀關係/ Your physical body and golf swing relationship!~下集

As time passes, your thoughts and perspectives will change. Naturally, our bodies, too, undergo changes over time. This is something you must pay attention to in golf. Reflecting on my own golf journey from my 20s to now in my 50, I've continuously adjusted and altered my equipment and swing. The core reason behind these adjustments is the changes in my body and mindset. Your methods and tools must evolve accordingly.

Of course, you can choose not to make any changes and stick to your current standards, but then your body will have to adapt to your tools and actions, and you'll bear the consequences. From my experience, when I was younger, I relied on speed and power, and I wasn't too concerned about the details or correctness of my actions, because I could achieve the necessary distance. Naturally, my clubs were heavier, prioritizing the joy of hitting the ball over other factors.

However, after turning 40, my physical condition and abilities began to decline. Although I've always kept fit through exercise and running, changes in speed and strength are inevitable. In golf, I've had to pay more attention to the details and correct execution of my actions. I found out the result in shorter distances and less effective swings. As a result, I started using the lighter clubs, making it easier for my body to control and maximizing my physical strength.

Therefore, if you still play golf, you must understand that if you don't progress, you regress. To maintain your current performance, you need to continually strengthen your body and equipment. The body deteriorates over time, and once you stop, it takes even more time and effort to recover. Personally, I believe I am better than before in all aspects. The process involves trying different methods and understanding what works best for you, continuously absorbing and trying new information.

Improving in golf is about knowing what works and what doesn't. Without spending a lot of money to understand and use high-end products, how would you know which flashy but impractical products to avoid? Now, I'm more pragmatic about products, sticking to a few mainstream brands and a specific shaft brand. Occasionally, I might choose other brands based on specific products, but the product range is clear.

Customization of clubs is essential as it is based on your needs, but the choice of components is crucial. In golf equipment, expensive doesn't necessarily mean good, nor does it guarantee good results. Of course, the technician's ability is key, and their product recommendations reflect their skills and professionalism. Most technicians face survival pressure, and selling products is their income source。

Your physical body and golf swing relationship!~Part II



