打球要談笑風生,短桿一定要銳利,因為要成績好,一切一推目標,就是看你的短桿解球能力。如果你的上果嶺率/standard on green不高,短桿就是你的救命稻草。在美國我用短桿的機會比較大,所以這幾年下來,對短桿的處理也有自己的模式,唯一不變的是我的挖起桿基本都是固定更換。如果要你的球可以停和足夠倒旋,挖起桿是要換,不是打到不能用。
挖起桿吃土、吃砂是標配,桿面很容易磨損、光滑,導致球停不了。所以桿面狀態是決定挖起桿的使用壽命關鍵。這次我用Vega Alcor Tour 52度的挖起桿,它的最大特色是桿面後面有一塊配重和反彈角設定塊。我的是mid/中等反彈角塊,mid就是反彈角在8~10左右。也是我平時用的反彈角,如果你要反彈角大的就可以選high,要反彈角小就選low。
桿身我這次用True Temper Dynamic Gold 115 S300挖起桿桿身。以前有用過朋友的DG 115 挖起桿桿身,感覺還不錯。因為我用wedge很少全揮桿,所以桿身的手感或穩定性並不是很重要。反而是桿身重量是關鍵,因為我個人對桿子的感覺比較在乎,重量和長度分佈不對,打起來就不好掌握。尤其是對距離和吃球掌握要好的挖起桿,這點是設定的核心!
VEGA Alcor Tour 52 Wedge 使用心得!~下集
Short game is always for average golfer's ticket to the single handicap. It's hard to make the green with GIR, the short game plays critical for you to make the par in the end. It's like your putter, wedges are very personal. To me, you want your ball can stop on the green, the wedge face condition is key for the usage. That's why I replace my wedges every year based on my usage.
Wedge heads eat dirt, sanding and turf all the time, as a result, the face gets weak on the grooves after certain period of usage. If you would like your short game to be sharp, the wedge face means a lot. This time I pick Vega Alcor Tour 52 loft that has two pieces design as main body of the face and interchangeable sole bouncing kit.
It's kind of interesting design that you can adjust the bouncing sole by yourself. I am using mid bounce with bounce 8~10, there are low bounce sole with below 8 and high bounce sole with over 10 bouncing. Technically with such multi-material construction design, the feedback and contact of face is not as good as one piece/stand alone forge head.
I hate to change the setting with interchangeable feature and it won't let you control better but give you the headache for sure. That's why I use mid bounce and try to know such design's pros and cons. The head shape is identity, with very sharp face and CNC spinmilling, the spin rate is going to be outstanding.
The head weight is 302g, it's kind of heavier for my personal use. I will have to make it shorter length in order to get the light swing weight. If you prefer high swing weight on the wedges, I believe Alcor Tour is your love. I pick Dynamic gold 115 S200. Since the shaft weight is fit my requirement and easier to get. Of course, tour issue Dynamic gold S200 is my best love, but harder to get it in the states.
VEGA Alcor Tour 52 Wedge 使用心得!~Part II