LAB 推桿系列我也玩了不少支,今天是分享跟我東征西討超過5個月的Link 1推桿。今年下半年先發都是用Mezz 1和Link 1車輪戰。而2支推桿特性都不同,需要調整使用說明來對應。Link 1是走傳統風,易控,但對用戶動作穩定性等級很要求。這類桿頭小,不容易瞄,你手的內力穩定性,必須精度極高。一點手抖就讓你觸球方向走經!
Link 1是LAB產品裡最新款,價格也最高。下單到收到,必須有耐心,基本1個月時間。我還是訂陽春基本款鐵管桿身,沒有搞訂製規格,那入手時間就是等到花兒謝了。反正後面我自己會換掉桿身、握把和調整使用規格,基本款是瞭解Link 1的最初實力。我的Link 1是34“, 69度仰角、橡膠LAB握把,拿起來確實比Mezz 1要重手多了,但沒有B2的重。
你是用手推的人,Link 1就是你的真命天子。因為重量會讓你的手指/手掌更容易去掌握推桿。我個人是覺得吃力,所以後面會換輕的碳纖維桿身,提升我和桿子的互動感。如果你愛主動操控推桿/手握的死緊,那LAB的大絕招對你的幫助非常小。因為桿頭本身就有一個重力在維持桿面方正,如果你的手指/手掌力量太多,2股力量一定會打架。我的使用守則就是單純握住推桿,讓肩膀去擺動桿頭,大絕效果滿格!
Link 1對多數業餘球友來說,以為最容易發揮的產品,結果是推個2回就分手的很多。外型是一般傳統推桿,而你不懂它的使用說明,就用不了絕招。而Mezz 1這類小烏龜桿頭,使用說明類似,就是維持桿頭路徑,如同只要踩油門的自排車一樣容易。也就是說,Link 1是手排桿子,如果你的等級不到(推法和動作穩定性),Link 1 很容易讓你自爆。
LAB Link 1 推桿心得分享!~下集
I have been using LAB putters for whole year with B2, Mezz 1 and Link 1. I received my Link 1 in the end of May, and using it with Mezz 1 in recent 6 months. These two are totally different in specification, style and putting style. As a result, you need to define your style and putting method for selecting the right putter. Link 1 is not easy for average golfers with smaller head and heavier putter.
If you are using your arms and palm to control the putter, Link 1 is the right one for you to enjoy. Moreover, Lie Angle Balance is the feature for golfers to make your putt better and consistent. If your arms are too strong, you are not going to benefit from it, since the head is automatically face to target and there is a conflict between the head face weight and your power.
My putting style is using pendulum as the should is the center to power and control arms. The arms and palm do not work as the power source for putting. It's just holding and maintaining the putter, it will let putter do the work. That's why I benefit from LAB feature with B2, Mezz 1 and Link 1. Thus your putting method is critical to leverage LAB feature!
Average golfers may think Link 1 is good design, easier to handle, but it's not! You need to manage your power and putter head weight to be balanced. That's not an easy job and I have seen golfers given up Link 2 for usage. My Link 1 takes about one month to get it with standard specification 34", 69 lie angle. I will try it out for couple rounds and know what and how to reshaft/regrip the putter.
The new reborn Link 1 is so sharp! The weight is lighter with better fit my putting style and length is comfortable for my body to handle the putter. More importantly the new grip is Garsen qual Tour with trapezoid style. There are four flat face of the grip and it's easy to grip and control the putter. All the putter grip is only one side flat and it's not easy to grip for long run particularly the putter is heavy.
LAB Link 1 review!~ Part II