LAB Link 1 推桿心得分享!~上集
動作和推法穩定性,本來就是用傳統型推桿任督二脈。Mezz 1是好推也易推,就是沒趣。而Link 1需要時間去熟悉它,摸出它的桿面甜蜜點在哪等?比較好玩,成就感超高。用Link 1職業球員降駕狀況比較多,一推通殺的每一場有個2~4回,尤其在長距離的狀況。傳統型推桿就是玩一個”操控“!如果不是自虐,就不要嘗試。
使用Garsen Quad Tour 握把,它的特色是梯形,4個平面設計,抓桿力和操控力就是王道。避免打滑和動力輸出不平衡。目前市面上的握把都不符合人體工學,打滑、失控是家常便飯。而多平面握把比主流的單平面(瞄球面)要握的輕鬆、容易。另外還要花很多時間去教正、定位“Lie Angle Balance”,一旦桿子的規格或零件更改,要不送回原廠,或要有技術,花時間去定位。
改後的Link 1,完全重生,更簡單、容易使用。就是主打一個輕量化!總重和揮桿重量都掉幾個等級,對手掌和手臂負擔小多了,操控滿格。梯形握把防滑、好握、舒服和明確觸球感,爽度又拉滿。更換後的推桿數有效壓在30推以內,失誤多半是自己失神,或在判讀路徑上就錯了,不然都可以一推收工。Link 1對快果嶺/競賽模式會更好發揮。
果嶺速度9以內就一般般,這當中會差3~5桿。所以競賽快果嶺更能體現個人實力和球桿絕招,慢果嶺我是Mezz 1或Scotty Phantom X來主宰。 這幾年玩不少推桿,經驗值和know-how是撈到不少,個人推桿能力也有小成,2024會更專注在實戰細節的升級,讓高爾夫質優化。下一步就是提升、改善短桿了!
That's why you have mis-putt! If your grip is not good for you to manage and handle, mistake is common situation. Grip is critical part for golfer, it's the only part you contact and control the golf club. You need to try various grips then find out which one is the best for your swing and gripping style? You don't need to follow others, it's all about your own style.
The reborn Link 1 is easier to handle and putt. I am more comfortable to perform my putting swing and maintain the putter head movement. However, it still takes some rounds and practices for me to get familiar with new Link 1's new characteristics and weight feel. Of course, I feel better confident to work on Link 1 than original Link 1 specification.
In terms of practical performance, it increases the successful ration for 1 putt and overall putting sum is reducing to 28 to 30 putts. If I have the mis putt, it must be my problem on reading the green. I have less mistakes on my putter style and focus on the works on reading the green for better chance to putt the ball to the hole.
It's better to use Link 1 on fast green speed with speed 10 or more. Since Link 1 is more likely the controlling putter, if you know how to work Link 1, you can enjoy fast green speed to roll better on your expectation. That's why I love Link 1! I have been using a number of putters in recent years since to improve my putting is critical and I have learned lots of knowledge and experience on putter. I will play more rounds on 2024 to get the progress! How about it?