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高容錯桿頭的副作用/high MOI's trade of!~上集

高容錯桿頭的副作用/high MOI's trade of!

之前我們閒聊過現在的木桿桿頭都走高容錯的風格和功能,而我最近也去試試這些新的木桿實際使用的感覺和想法,讓我可以瞭解這些桿頭的特性、回饋和如何進行客制的配置。基本上現在主流幾個品牌的木桿類都是有高容錯的產品,Callaway Ai Smoke, Taylormade Qi 10、Titleist TSR2、Ping G430 10k。這些桿頭都有一個共同特色;就是桿頭扁平設計!

沒錯!就是要去犧牲美感,得到高容錯的副作用。對我個人來說;太扁的桿頭真的不是很好看,視覺上會覺得桿頭很大,尤其我的木桿都不會設定太長,這樣裝起來打,在pre-shot setup/準備擊球的時候,桿頭很像一個蛋餅。實在不是很舒服!我實際去比對我其他木桿,對比Ai smoke的前2代Rogue ST,Rogue也沒有那麼扁,視覺比較舒服。就算我裝44“的長度,Rogue ST還是非常舒服。

再對比Taylormade Stealth, 要比新Qi10要小多了。雖然說都是460cc,但Stealth的體積藏的很精巧。Qi 10真的大很多。另外Ping G430 10K和G410來說,差不多,因為它們家就是扁平的血統,非常一致的御飯糰頭型。Titleist的2號款式本來就是走易打、容錯高,也就是比較扁。沒有特別外型上的差別。

簡單說,這次的Qi 10是最跳痛/tone。Ai Smoke其實和前幾年的Mavrik 扁的差不多,所以Ai Somke這次的型,我是不會嚇到。這次去試Qi 10和Ai Smoke最大感覺就是Qi 10的原廠規格長度真的很長。46”真的耍大刀,球一直會帶點右旋,都可以接受。看來MOI 1萬是“右”加持了,因為如果這樣長度,可能都會偏個20~30碼,現在差不多在10~15碼,縮一號了!

相對打Ai Smoke,雖然比較短0.25“,但我整個就“Pro降駕”,怎麼打就是直球和小左曲。應該我是Callaway的clubfitter,對Callaway木桿特性比較熟。我打Qi 10和Ai Smoke都是用Fujikura的Ventus 5S桿身,Ai Smoke得到的Spin rate最好都在2000~2400rpm範圍,而Qi 10就很不穩,像心電圖一樣,一下2400多,一下又到3200,範圍可以差1200rpm,真的是丟搞。


高容錯桿頭的副作用/high MOI's trade of!~下集

The new drivers of 2024 has been launching to the market, to know these new forgiving drivers' feel, performance and features, it's important to try out the drivers. With the try out, I am able to know how to fit the new forgiving head with various shafts and specifications. There are Callaway Ai Smoke, Taylormade Qi 10、Titleist TSR2、Ping G430 10k for 2024.

The common feature of new high MOI driver head is bigger head design. If you do not like the big flat head, sticking with what you are playing. I personally do not like big flat head that makes your swing uncomfortable. I actually compare with the previous driver heads, Ai smoke vs Rogue ST, Rogue is not that big with visual look.

I used to play short length driver setup, my driver's length is 44" to 44.50". If the head is big with wider look, it makes the head is very close to me and not comfortable at all. Let's say Taylormade Qi 10 vs Stealth, Qi 10 is much wider than Stealth. Honestly the new Qi 10 and Ai Smoke are very similar on the big and wider head shape.

In terms of usage and performance, I play Ai Smoke and Qi 10 to compare the performance with Fujikura Ventus 5 S shaft, the obvious difference is the length, Qi 10 is 46" which is quarter inch longer than Ai Smoke. In terms of usage, I hit 50% of cut with Qi10 and 60% of straight with Ai smoke. My swing is perfect matched with Ai Smoke for straight shot and draw. I personally prefer this driver.

The Qi10 is harder to manage and off the sweet spot is good on the distance as well. However, there is one advantage from Qi10 that sometimes you can drive the ball longer. The longest shot I have played with these two drivers is Qi10. I don't know how it delivers such result since the feel is the same without identical difference.

high MOI's trade of!~Part II



