Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~產品說明篇!
Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~規格說說明篇!
Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~實際測試篇!
2. 桿身回饋 - 上面有提到,這桿子在前兩次打起來真的不是太好。硬邦邦的感覺,一點韌性都沒有,力量也灌不太下去。桿身的回饋也是一潭死水。完全感覺不到桿身的彈力或變化。不過M系列的桿身就是如此,性能導向,材質強度比較高。就是給有速度力量的使用者去發揮。不過前兩次的手感雖然不好,也說明桿身的強度高,需要打一定次數才能把桿身的內部結構彈力給發揮出來。也可以理解為什麼會有這樣的回饋。
3. 彈道和距離 - 5M3 的彈道就是中低彈道。雖然是50g等級,但彈道設計就是平平的在空中飛行的方式。球質是比較侵略性的風格。這點在我以前的測試裡就展現的球風。在G410也是如此。當桿身內部結構打開前後,對於打出來的彈道高度和球速其實都沒有太大差別。球速很快,不輸M6的組合。彈道也是平平的飛行。就是那種打起來很讓人熱血沸騰的桿子。
Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~完結篇!
2. Shaft feedback - The first couple time of playing, this driver is not really good to play and feel is hard and uncomfortable. But it doesn't effect its performance and ball speed. It's due to the shaft profile and material strongness. During the downswing, the power is not easy to load to the club, and unloading is not smooth. But it all changes on the third time for playing it. The shaft becomes differently and I can feel the shaft mid section is the kick point. There is a vibration after releasing the power.
The downswing is easier to load the power and at the striking pointing the head is smooth kicking the ball with big smash. When the head is striking the ball then I can feel the shaft's tip is vibrating. There is no feedback during the up and down swing, only before and after the impact has the feel. That's typical Matrix M series shaft profile that needs the power to drive the shaft bending and releasing. It requires the power to drive the shaft and result on the ball speed to the air.
The new club needs to play certain times for making the shaft become activation. Although the performance has no difference, the feel will entirely different. Compared with TM M6 driver, Veylix Mansion shaft is easier to handle and respond to the feel is comfortable and smooth. I would say it's different shaft profile and 5M3 is for hitter, not swinger like me. The 5M3 is typical performance driven shaft for good swing speed golfers.
3. Distance and trajectory - Here is the 5M3's advantage. As the performance driven shaft, the ball speed must be fast and the trajectory is mid or low. This shaft is all fit on these characteristic. When you play this driver, it will head up your passion and play one on one without hesitation. You can really enjoy striking the ball and it's like bullet travel on the air with solid penetration. I like its performance for sure.
Hitting on the sweet spot can get the distance like my TM M6, but with off sweet spot hits, the distance is shorter than M6. It's about 15 yards shorter. Since M6 face is high COR with thinner for high bouncing character, and off sweet spot can get the distance differentiation on face design. For G410, the best distance for me is about 250Y and off sweet spot is about 230Y. It's like my other driver's performance and reach the distance requirement.
I think it's the shaft issue that doesn't fit my swing profile. I will build another shaft to fit G410 plus later to find out the best shaft for me on G410. I do believe there is still the room for G410 to perform like TM M6. The difficulty is G410 head required more specific shaft profile to fit. I think Japanese shaft should work better than Matrix/LAGP.
to be continued..