Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~產品說明篇!
Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~規格說說明篇!
1. 桿頭回饋 - 這桿頭配上Matrix 5M3 桿身打起來的前2次,覺得桿頭很硬。手感回饋上不是那種很彈的感覺。至少和TM M6 配Veylix Mansion的回饋是完全不同。打M6的桿頭是桿面很彈,桿面特性是可以感受出來。而G410桿頭就覺得沒有這樣的樂趣。應該是桿身特性導致桿頭的回饋偏硬。應該桿身的材質強度高,讓觸球很快去反應到桿頭。
而G410就比較像擠壓然後彈送的感覺(包球的感覺)。是兩種不同的桿面撞擊效果。我還會再裝一支桿身來比較測試,看看G410的擊球感覺會有什麼不同?可能也會是Veylix Mansion或是其他桿身去比對。桿面的回饋會依據桿身特性和材質去得到不同的結果。至少在目前的桿身下,我感覺G410的桿面需要有力量和速度去得到彈力效果。
G410的桿面強度比較高,所以要得到桿面彈性效果可能不會像M6這類桿面比較薄,反彈效果高的設計。 所以如果你的揮桿速度比較快,G410的桿面就會讓你打起來比較爽。因為你可以盡情去發揮力量,把力量灌到桿頭裡去,得到最好的桿面彈力。不怕你全力摧,就怕你不夠力。而揮桿速度不快的球友,可能配置的桿身硬度要輕和軟一點,才能讓觸球的擠壓力量產生出來。
Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~實際測試篇2!
Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~完結篇!
Ping G410 plus driver 10.5 loft with Matrix 5M3 Stiff flex review!~Part III
Usage experience:
The overall appearance of the driver is totally black and it feels a little heavy during the swing. That's due to the shaft center of gravity is close to the tip section and it's good for fast tempo with hitter profile golfer to play. If your swing speed is fast, this combo should be matched for you. Even through you are not a muscle guy, the shaft is light for you to squeeze your power easily. That's the reason why I pick 5m3 instead of 6m3.
Heavier shaft tip design is good for golfer to feel the club head movement during the down swing. Particularly the fast swing tempo golfer needs to feel the head movement during the downswing that could give him a better control for the golf club. If you are not powerful golfer, it will become the machine to eat out your energy. When your energy is not in good condition, it's easier to have the mis-shot or swing mistake. That's the thing you need to know for swing such club.
1. Head feeling: After playing the third time of this club, roughly about 80 times, the club become differently on swing and impact feel. During the first couple time of playing, the striking feel with the head is very stiff and uncomfortable. Compared with TM M6 driver feel, it's good feel and you can feel the ball on striking at specific spot of the face.
After 80 times of playing, the driver become better and more sensitive on striking. I can feel the head react with the ball that gives me solid feedback then bounce to the air. The face is not like rock instead of pushing the ball hardly with the powerful smash. I am kind of enjoying the feel for this driver. But the issue is that requires energy to drive the club hard.
After the club break-in, it becomes differently on feel and control. The head will aggress to contact the ball. At the first couple time, you need to lead the club to the striking point and then releasing the power. But after break-in, the club head is able to contact the ball easily and automatically. It's part of shaft reacting more quickly.
That's why all the new clubs required to play certain times for break-in then you can get the best performance and feel for the whole club. With my review, I play at least couple months to check the driver's performance, and feel on various places and time. This way I can get the overall result for a driver's fair review to public. I need to avoid the condition that I am not in the good shape to play the club and record all the plays to see how this club can provide and deliver for me?
The off sweet spot is hard and the sound of impact is not solid and sharp. The sound of impact is solid metal and it should drive people's passion of hitting the driver hard and long. The shaft material and profile do effect the head impact feel and sound. Thus I will build another shaft to fit G410 plus head in order to see other hitting feel and sound result. It needs to make the comparison for gathering more possible result then I can get the whole picture of the G410 plus' head profile. That's how I run the club review and test.
This driver is good for swing speed over 95mph golfers. If your swing speed is below 95mph, I think it's better to pick softer flex for playing nicely and easily. Since the head is kind of old fashion and requires to strike the ball as hard as possible. If the swing speed is not fast and powerful, you will have different feel on the impact. That's what I collect from other golfers for trying this driver. As a result, this driver is good for certain group of golfers. There is its own DNA!
To be continued...