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Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~產品說明篇!

Ping G410 Plus 10.5

Ping算是主流品牌裡比較堅持走直接的風格和訂製路線。 對於產品的技術接受度就會比其他品牌的產品要更晚。 所以目前的Ping 木桿類別裡,還是走傳統全鈦合金或不鏽鋼的材質。還沒有複合式的材質在木桿產品上。當然不見得複合式材質的桿頭就比較好或打的遠。每一家廠牌的產品都有自己的核心技術,而它維持現有的技術在一個好的程度上。不會追逐潮流和炒短線!

G410 Plus尺寸為455cc,也算快做到極限。這次的16g重量塊可以更換位置,算是它的亮點。相較於其他品牌都已經做移動滑塊設計,而它採用固定式選擇位置。 Ping之前的木桿都有配重螺絲但都是固定位置,無法調整桿頭重心的重量塊可以拆卸,無更換位置設計。所以這次有這個功能也要給它個讚!根據原廠的說法,16g的螺絲更換位置可以改變桿頭重心約2.5mm距離。

對於左右曲球有10碼的幅度範圍。所以你可以調整重量塊在Draw,Fade 或center不同的位置。依據你動作的特性去設定。這類的功能我通常是敬謝不敏! 因為打直是基本,如果都打不直,還一直在調整螺絲就真的無法固定動作的問題或找出打不直的原因。

所以桿頭功能多不見得對一般球友有幫助,有時會讓人模糊打球的焦點。另外這次的G410 Plus的亮點在於桿身的連接器可以有桿子的lie angle/仰角,桿面角度和桿面開關的設定功能。有更多的角度調整範圍,而且它的連接器重量才6g和TM的連接器都一樣重。這對桿頭的重量影響就相對有限。也是市面的連接器重量比較輕的。

重點在這次的連接器和之前的Ping連接器是不能適用。所以你如果買G410 plus木桿,想用之前的Ping 桿身就無法直接拿來裝。其實在其他品牌的木桿桿頭也是有類似狀況。所以只能把桿身退下來,再裝G410 Plus的連接器。目前市面上或網路都有賣一些副牌的連接器。 取得不會太困難,但質量是關鍵。如果質量不好,可能鎖不起來或容易鬆脫等狀況。

其他的亮點在它上蓋的設計是Ping的獨特風格。 桿面是鍛造的鈦合金。只能說Ping的產品亮點沒有其他品牌的突出,它就是走自己的風格和市場。 不是說亮點或產品功能多就比較好或更遠,沒有實際裝起來用是很難去評論。 從之前的G25木桿後就沒有再用Ping的產品。這次想看看Ping在這些年來的變化和產品進步的幅度?


Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~規格說說明篇!

Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~實際測試篇!

Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~實際測試篇2!

Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~完結篇!



Ping G410 plus driver 10.5 loft with Matrix 5M3 Stiff flex review!

Ping is the custom golf club brand and allow golfers to order personal clubs for individual requirements. Ping is also the few of golf brands that do not take composite with carbon fiber material into the woods. It doesn't mean to embrace various materials in woods' design is good, but in terms of technology adapting, Ping is not aggressive as other peers. On the other hand, they stick on what they good at without chasing the short term trend.

Ping G410 Plus is the product for 2019 with 455cc size and 16 weight screw for adjustment. It's good that Ping has such adjustable weight screw like others for golfers to freely change. However, it has three spots for golfer to select the weight screw location. According to Ping website information, this 16g weight screw is able to change CG of the club head for 2.5mm range. If you would like to change the screw weight location, you can do it on G410 plus.

Of course, there are other plays for changing the weight screw locations with fade and draw. But it's not for me as shooting straight is main task for me without making the game complex. If you change the weight screw all the time, it will be hard for you to check your swing and maintain the shot consistency. Weight screw adjustment feature is good for advanced golfers to enjoy as their swing is stable and consistent, for such function, it will help them play certain shots more easily and better.

Moreover, the G410 plus sleeve is able to adjust the lie angle as previous Ping woods' sleeves do not have such function at all. There are other angle adjustments for G410 plus sleeve such as face open/close/square, loft and bigger angle selection. The key of sleeve is only weighted 6g as the lightest in the market. The lighter of sleeve is not effected the total head weight and CG location and it's good for clubmaking.

However, the new G410 sleeve can not be fit with G400 and older models. That means if you use G400 or older models, you can not enjoy more functions of sleeve on your woods. But it's not a big issue since there are many online sellers provided such sleeves for golfers to purchase. You only need to know the quality of the sleeve as online unknown sleeves are not as good as original.

I have not played Ping driver since G25 and I did try G400 and G400 max in recent years. It is typical Ping driver feel. The head is titanium material and should be good on hitting feel with metal impact. If you prefer pure metal head feel, this is the one you can consider. G410 plus driver head is not like TM and Callaway products with a number of features and technologies, but that doesn't mean the head is not as good as TM and Callaway. Without playing it and fitting the right shaft, it's unable to tell.

You will find out more details of Ping G410 plus driver on following posts.

To be continued.....

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